Advertiser Guidelines


for the
WWWoodc@rver E-zine

Read the open letter to Advertisers

In order to make it easier for advertisers to understand the costs and advantages of placing an ad in the WWWoodc@rever E-zine, I have prepared the following guidelines:


Who should place and AD in WWWoodc@rver E-zine?

  • Any business, association, or self-employed Individual having a direct interest in woodcarving.
  • A business/association/individual with an internet account including an email address and a WWW access, and a home page.
  • Businesses which are not online normally will NOT be permitted to advertise.


    Advertisers will benefit from being able to directly reach thousands of online woodcarvers, and communicate with them via the internet. The tools of electronic mail, FTP and WWW will enable advertisers to present their products, catalogues and expertise to the online customer and correspond with them quickly and inexpensively.
    An advertiser will have the opportunity to increase their online presence and extend their reputation by providing customers and prospective customers alike with useful information from their website.


    The interim cost for an ad in the WWWoodc@rver E-zine will be $75.00 per issue, or $200.00 for the first three issues. This amount will be paid in Canadian funds.
    The advertizing cycle will run for 60 days, and then expired ads will be deleted. Note that WWWoodc@rver E-zine is a bi-monthly publication, appearing on the first of each month during January, March, May, July, September and November.

    Where will the ads be located?

    All ads will be located on the main WWWoodc@rver E-zine home page. All readers will have to access this page first in order to find the link to the current issue. This page will also contain links to the more permanent information archived by the E-zine, such as:

  • Letters to the Editor
  • Who's Who... a list of Woodcarvers online
  • Help Files
  • What's Happening... a summary of woodcarving Events
  • WWWoodc@rver archives... links to past issues
  • Ads will be clearly identified with color and boundaries that set them apart from other links, so they will be easy for the readers to find and use.

    Along with their link, advertisers will be required to include:

  • a 25-30 word summary of what readers will find when they "click" the link... OR...
  • a 25-30 word summary of the business/product being advertised.
  • Payment

    Advertisers will make their payments to:

    W.F. Judt,
    c/o 7705 Mission Heights Drive,
    Grande Prairie, Alberta
    Canada, T8W 1X0

    Advertisers outside Canada should send a money order in Canadian Funds.

    Check out the WWWoodc@rver main page

    See how and where your ad will appear.

    Email your comments to the Editor