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rec.crafts.carving FAQby Mike Dunk and John Johnson.at left: Mike Dunk http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/1528 Sorry, no picture of John Johnson |
This is a combined effort of the subscribers of rec.crafts.carving and shall be under constant revision. If you have any suggestions or comments, please submit them to either John at bearqst@polarnet.com or to Mike at mgdunk@bconnex.net, with the subject line of your letter titled r.c.c. FAQ. This is your document and requires your input, please help us keep this FAQ current with your comments and suggestions. We shall attempt to post this document once every month and update its content constantly.
1.0 The rec.crafts.carving FAQ
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Posting Guidelines
1.3 Layout of the FAQ
2.0 Types of Carving
2.1 Wood Carving
2.1.1 Relief Carving
2.1.2 Carving in the Round
2.1.3 Caricature/Whittling
2.1.4 Chip Carving
2.1.5 Intarsia
2.1.6 Types of carving wood
2.2 Stone Carving
2.3 Ivory/Bone Carving
3.0 Tools
3.1 Hand Tools
3.1.1 Types of Carving Wood
3.2 Power Tools
6.0 Carving Information On-line
6.1 WWW Sites
6.2 News groups
6.3 Listserv
7.0 Carving Suppliers
1.0 The Rec.Crafts.Carving FAQ
1.1 Introduction
This is the rec.crafts.carving Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. This document is intended to provide: some general guidelines to the group on the art of carving; some sources for supplies; information about shows, competitions and classes; and information on styles and techniques of interest to carvers. Carving is an art that uses a wide range of materials from apples to wood and involves all levels of ability as well as a variety of techniques. Your input to this FAQ is desired and required to foster a mutual understanding of our various ideas and techniques in this art and to keep the information as current as possible.
This FAQ will be maintained and edited for correction of typos, clarification, and to trim inclusions down for brevity. Beyond its initial publication, this FAQ will be constructed from the collective wisdom of the group or contributions from key individuals. As the information grows, the FAQ may be sub-divided into topical FAQs.
1.2 Posting Guidelines
All individuals are welcome to post to rec.crafts.carving. We suggest that prior to posting any articles or comments that you read the news.groups for proper posting netiquette (the do's and don'ts of posting on the net). The goal of these discussions are to provide the global carving community a practical forum to discuss these issues and give new carvers encouragement and a place to start. Any postings that are related to carving are acceptable, including but not limited to: tools, techniques, styles, shows, classes and organizations. Postings containing advertisements are acceptable but must conform to a few basic guidelines: 1. The ads must be limited to carving related items and the subject line must begin with either "vendor" or "supplier"; 2. No "catalogue" listings of supplies or items are acceptable; 3. Examples of items for sale can be included but pointers (URL's, snail-mail addresses or phone numbers) should be used to provide more information to interested parties rather than filling bandwidth with unwanted files for other readers/posters.
Binary files (graphic pictures) are not allowed in the 'rec' series of news groups. Pointers to URL's displaying carvers works are encouraged. If enough interest is generated, we will investigate starting a section in alt.binaries.* to display carvings.
The posting of political debates, derogatory comments against individuals, 'flames', or similar posts will not be tolerated nor welcome.
1.3 FAQ Layout
In this document's first publication, six sections are presented. This first section relates to the group's FAQ contents and posting requirements. Section 2 relates to the various types of carving that interest the posters to this group. Primarily, this outlines the various mediums used by carvers to produce their art. Section 3 describes the types, care and use of tools employed by carvers in their various mediums. Section 4 lists carving organizations by geographic location. This list will not be an exhaustive list, since there are thousands of carving clubs and organizations around the world. We will endeavor to list as many active organizations as possible to help carvers keep in touch with others who are interested in their art. Section 5 contains lists of competitions of interest to carvers. We will attempt to keep the posting of competitions current, by region, updated each month. Section 6 relates to on-line carving organizations and individuals and will list their email addresses and URL locations.
2.0 Types of Carving
Carving is one of the oldest forms of arts and crafts. Carvings of bone, horn and ivory have been preserved from Stone Age time, many of them real miniature works of art. Innumerable implements, tools and weapons must likewise have been made of wood, and perhaps ornamentally carved. Wood was probably the most abundant raw material and could easily be worked with flint, scrapers and knives. But it is also relatively perishable and because of this a whole wealth of historical evidence has been lost to us forever. The advent of machinery and mass production has resulted in the steady loss of carving skills over time with the emphasis placed on quick output and quantities of similar products. The demand for the uniqueness of hand carved products has always been the mark of special care and love for distinctive products.
This newsgroup is dedicated to preserving and promoting the skills of carving and this FAQ tries to introduce the reader to the various types, materials and tools. The attempt is the first attempt at gathering a wide variety of information on carving and presenting it in a condensed, broad brush format. Comments, suggestions and submissions for disciplines of carving are welcome.
2.1 Wood Carving
Wood has always been one of man's most popular raw material, and its workability has made it one of the most common form of carving since ancient times.
2.1.1 Relief Carving
Relief carving is the technique used to make pictures from flat pieces of wood. The basic concept is to raise a design so that it stands away from its background. Relief carving is used to make two-dimensional designs for wall plaques, household decorations or furniture embellishment.
There are two basic styles of relief carving. If the design is raised only slightly, about 3/8 in, and appears to lie flat on the surface of the background, the carving is called a low relief. If the design has been raised more than 3/8 in, and appears to stand free of its background, the carving is called a high relief. High relief carvings can be raised several inches above the background, and the technique works well with complex shapes to create the illusion of depth. Because of the extra height, the shapes can be molded, rounded and undercut so that they appear to stand completely away from the background or to project out of it.
In low relief and high relief, the basic carving steps are the same. First, the background is carved away and smoothed, leaving a raised design and level background. Then the design itself is shaped and smoothed.
2.1.2 Carving in the Round
Carving in the round or sculpturing is the next step from high relief. It is the art of presenting the ideas & concepts from the mind of the carver to a three-dimensional object that can be viewed from all sides and angles. There is literally an unlimited number of forms of sculpturing from exact, life-size replication of objects to interpretive representation of ideas and nature.
2.1.3 Caricature/Whittling
2.1.3.a Caricature
Any subject- May be relief or in the round, painted or naturally finished. Caricature exists in many forms and is acceptable in any form (eg., parody, burlesque, cartoon, exaggeration, farce, lampoon, satire, mimic, ridicule, travesty)
2.1.3.b Whittling
Made with knife from a single piece of wood. Carving blanks made with a bandsaw or similar tool. No: other tools, sanding, scraping, finish or painting.
2.1.4 Chip Carving
Chip carving is one o the oldest forms of decorative woodcarving and one of the simplest. Complex geometric patterns are formed by arranging dozens of small, triangular incisions made with just one knife. At first, this style of working may appear tedious and time-consuming, but once you have a little practice, you'll find it goes along quickly, and is quite enjoyable.
Chip carving has been used primarily to decorate household items. Wooden chests and boxes were carved with complex borders and rosettes, as were buckets, washboards, chairs, eating utensils and many other types of woodwork for the house -- including beams, posts and shutters.
2.1.5 Intarsia
A Brief History of Intarsia (from Judy Gale Roberts home page)
From the earliest times, wood decoration methods fall into five categories: painting, gilding, engraving, carving, and intarsia. The ancient art of intarsia - the making of decorative and pictorial mosaics by laying precious and exotic materials into or onto a groundwork of solid wood - inspired both marquetry and inlay.
Through the centuries, rich patrons employed craftsmen to create beautiful works of art from wood. Works of this sort are seen in the histories of ancient Egypt, imperial Rome, Persia, eighth-century Japan, and fifteenth and sixteenth century Germany and Italy, where the best examples are found. The traditional process, involving many long and demanding steps, was both expensive and painstaking. First, rare and exotic hardwoods had to be imported at great cost. The groundwork was slowly carved, lowered, and trenched. Next the precious but difficult-to cut hardwood was sawed and sliced into 1/4" to 1/2" thick tiles and these mosaic tiles were fit and set, one at a time in a bed of glue or mastic. Finally, the inlaid surface was scraped, rubbed down, waxed, and burnished.
According to Italian authorities, the word intarsia is derived from the Latin verb interserere, "to insert". These authorities classify intarsia works as "sectile" (in which fragments of wood or other materials are inserted in a wood surface) and "pictorial" (in which pieces of wood completely cover a ground). As in modern intarsia work, the wood slices were attached with glue.
Historians agree that the city of Siena was the cradle of Italian wood carving and inlaying. As early as the thirteenth century, documents mentioned a certain Manuello who, with his son Parit, in 1259 worked on the ancient choir of the Siena Cathedral. Domenico di Nicolo, one of the finest Sienese masters of intarsia and carving, worked for 13 years on the chapel in the Palazzo Pubblico at Siena, using some of Taddeo Bartoli's designs. Di Nicolo's work also included the doors of the Sala di Balia.
Intarsia work was also made at an early date at Orvieto, but the craftsmen were all Sienese. In Italy, where the techniques are more than a hundred years older than in other European countries, Intarsia was originally made by sinking forms into wood following a prearranged design, and then filling in the hollows with pieces of different woods. Initially only a small number of colors were used. Early writings indicated that the only tints employed were black and white, but this must be interpreted broadly. The color of wood on the same plank usually differs from place to place; tinting would not have obscured the variations in wood color.
In the early fifteenth century, at the beginning of the Italian Renaissance, the intarsiatori produced graceful arabesque works perfectly suited to the raw material and often executed with perfection. These works are considered by some to be the most entirely satisfactory of their works, although no necessarily the most marvelous.
After the invention of perspective drawing and its application to painting, ambitious intarsia crafters emulated this representational trend in wood. Much of their work focused on street scenes and architectural subjects (not always very successfully) and simple objects like cupboards with their doors partly open to show items on the shelves (often extraordinary realistic considering the materials and techniques used.) This focus on realism was assisted by Fra Glovanni da Verona's discovery of acid solutions and stains for treating wood (to produce a greater variety of colors) and by the practice of scorching areas of the wood to shade them, suggesting roundness.
In the best works of the period, pear, walnut, and maple were the principal woods, although pine and cypress can also be found. A tincture of gall apples was used to imitate the color of ebony.
Although fame might be won by exercise of this demanding, slow and tedious - craft, the winning of fortune was a very different thing. Even in Siena, a flourishing town that prided itself on its reputation for fine wood craft, it was difficult for the craftsmen on whose work that reputation depended to make a living. At one time, Florence had 34 workshops for wood carving and intarsia. It can be concluded that work of a certain sort was plentiful and lucrative and intarsia panels were sometimes exported. However the most celebrated intarsiatori also practiced some other form of art and sooner or later abandoned intarsia altogether.
Early intarsia works depend mainly on silhouette for their beauty, but they also exhibit the use of line (made by graver or saw) within the main composition. A great deal can be accomplished by choice of wood type, color, and tone and by arrangement of grain direction. Some of Fra Giovanni's perspectives show very suggestive skies made in this manner, as well as representations of veined and colored marble and of rocks. When the human figure entered into the design, however, inner lines were essential. Wood color and grain were not sufficiently expressive.
The craftsman's aim is to display the qualities of the material with which he is working to their best advantage, consistent with the purpose of his work. Pride in overcoming the limitations of the material to achieve an aesthetic vision can at times sway the artist from this course. In any craft the marriage between the material and the vision - the presence of an intelligent designer - should be paramount.
On the subject of intarsia design, Stephen Web has said:
"Tone harmony, and in a limited degree, the sense of values, [the artist] must certainly cultivate. He must be able to draw a line or combination of lines which may be ingenious if you like, but must be delicate and graceful, vigorous, and in proper relation to any masses which he may introduce into his design. He must thoroughly understand the value of contrast in line and surface form, but these matters, though a stumbling block to the amateur, are the opportunities for the competent designer and craftsman. The most charming possibilities of broken color lie ready to his hand, to be merely selected by him and introduced into his design. If the wood be properly selected, shading is rarely necessary, and if it is done at all should be done by the artist. In the hands of an artist very beautiful effects may be obtained, the same kind of wood being made to yield quite a number of varying shades of color of a low but rich tone. Over-staining and the abuse of shading are destructive."
SOURCES: Jackson, F. Hamilton, Intarsia and Marquetry, London: Sands & Co., 1903. Hawkins, David, Techniques of woodworking, Sterling.*
2.2 Stone Carving
2.3 Ivory/Bone Carving
3.0 Tools
3.1 Hand Tools
3.1.1 Types of Carving Wood
One of the most frequently asked question is "What kind of wood should I use for carving?" While it is a simple question, the answer is very difficult because it depends on a number of variables. Factors that can influence the type of wood to be used include: availability, use of the carving, type of carving, final finish for the carving, detail to be included in the carving, etc.
Some suggestions for the type of wood for carving are presented below. This list is taken from the book "How to Carve Wood" by Richard Butz.
Relief Carving and Lettering: Wood: - Aspen, Basswood, Beech, Birch, Butternut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Elm, Mahogany, Maple, Oak, Pine, Poplar, Walnut Suggested Finishes: - Stain, Oil (with or without glazing), French Polish, Varnish, Enamel Paint, Paste Wax.
Sculpture: (carvings over 6 inches) Wood: - (projects with detailed surfaces) Basswood, Jelutung, Tupelo, Black Cherry, Honduras Mahogany, Pine, Walnut, (projects with smooth surfaces or simples details) all of the preceding plus Ash, Beech, Birch, Cedar, Chestnut, Douglas Fir, Elm, Mahoganies, Maple, Oak, Osage Orange, Redwood, Teak Suggested Finishes: - Stain, Oil, Varnish, French Polish, Tint or Enamel Paint, Past Wax
Caricature/Whittling: (carvings under 6 inches) Wood: - (projects with detailed surfaces) Aspen, Basswood, Black Cherry, Cottonwood, Poplar, White Pine, (projects with smooth surfaces or simple details) all of the preceding plus Birch, Butternut, Chestnut, Maple, Oak, Walnut Suggested Finishes: - Tint, Oil, Past Wax, French Polish
Chip Carving: Wood: - Aspen, Basswood, Butternut, Poplar, White Pine. Suggested Finishes: - Oil (with or without glazing), Paste Wax.
Intarsia: Wood:- Western Red Cedar, Poplar Suggested Finishes: - Oil (with or without glazing),
3.2 Power Tools
4.0 Carving Organizations - refer to part 2 of FAQ
5.0 Carving Shows and Competitions - refer to part 3 of FAQ
6.0 Carving Information On-line
6.1 WWW Sites
The Woodcarver's Web: http://www.liberty.com/home/saga/webcarve.htm
(list of Woodcarver's Web sites)
New England Wood Carvers Site: http://www.tiac.net/users/rtrudel/
The Wood Carving Gallery: http://www.win.net/~amwood/gallery/gallery.html
Bill Judt's Relief Carvings: http://www.terranet.ab.ca:80/~bjudt/
Judy Gail Roberts Intarsia Page: http://www.tcac.com/~intarsia/index.html
John Johnston's Home Page: http://www2.polarnet.com/~bearqst/
Michael E. McNally (Woodcarver): http://www.mi.net/wood/
Wilderness Studio's Wood Carving: http://tnt.vianet.on.ca/comm/wildart/
Australian Wood Artisans Promotions: http://www.woodart.com.au/
Mike Dunk Woodcarver: http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/1528
6.2 News groups
6.3 Listserv
The Woodcarver Listserv:
7.0 Carving Suppliers - refer to part 4 FAQ
Layout of this FAQ - Part II includes:
4.0 Carving Organizations
4.1 United States
4.1.1 National
4.1.2 New England
4.1.3 Mid-Atlantic
4.1.4 Chesapeake Bay Region
4.1.5 South
4.1.6 Mid-West
4.1.7 West
4.2 Canada
4.2.1 Maritimes
4.2.2 Quebec
4.2.3 Ontario
4.2.4 Prairies
4.2.5 Alberta
4.2.6 British Colombia
4.3 Other Countries
4.0 Carving Organizations
It is a good bet that there are literally thousands of carving organizations around the world and it would be impossible for us to provide an exhaustive list. We will list as many organizations as possible and will welcome input from readers to add to the list.
4.1 United States
4.1.1 National
National Wood Carvers Association (NWCA)
7424 Miami Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45243
Tel (513)561-0627 or (513)561-9051
4.1.2 New England
Niagara Frontier Wood Carvers
Sal Mistretta,
24 Wilshire Rd.,
Kenmore, NY
4.1.3 Mid-Atlantic
4.1.4 Chesapeake Bay Region
New River Valley Woodcarvers Guild
c/o Richard Absher
950 Cambria St. NW
Christiansburg, VA 24073
Mountain Heritage Woodcarvers Guild
Rt. 2 Box 69
Narrows, VA 24124
Northern Virginia Carvers
6816 Grey Fox Dr.
Springfield, VA 22152
Pres: Ken Sheehan 703-759-4529
Act. Secr: Earl Montgomery 703-573-5835
4.1.5 South
Calusa Wood Carvers
Mr John Haley
11629 Pear Tree Drive
New Port Richey, Fla
318 Williams St.
Tallahassee, FL. 32303
Tom Norman
904-681-1071 (days)
904-224-1071 (evenings)
4.1.6 Mid-West
Metro Carvers of Michigan
Mr Terry Crawford
1618 Shevlin
Ferndale, Mich
Eastern Woodland Carving
Tome Brown
P.O. Box 221
Converse, IN
** New Club **
Winona, Mn
Central Lutheran Church
Larry Laber or Carla Laber
Poplar Bluff Area Woodcarvers
Meets, the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, 7:00-9:00pm at the Margaret
Harwell Art Museum 421 N. Main, Poplar Bluff, Missouri 63901 573-686
Pres. Jim Huck Sec. Terry Wood E-mail address tswood@ldd.net
4.1.7 West
4.2 Canada
4.2.1 Maritimes
4.2.2 Quebec
Les Gouges D'Argent
Mr Andre Dolbec
124 Alfred
Beaufort, Que
G1B 1V6
4.2.3 Ontario
Adanac Carvers Assoc
Mr Alex Rowes
140 Dunraven Ave
Winnipeg, Man
R2M 0H6
The Barrie Woodcarvers
Barrie, ON
Corunna Carvers
Mr Bob Johnson
364 Baird
Corunna, Ont
N0N 1G0
Forest City Woodcarvers Assoc
Mrs Get Kolkman
188 Millridge Court
London, Ont
N5C 4P4
Marquetry Society of Ontario
Mr John Sedgwick
R.R. #1
Stoney Creek, Ont
L8G 3X4
Muskoka Lakes Woodcarvers
Mr Art Luker
R.R. #2
Bracebridge, Ont
P0B 1C0
Newmarket Wood Carvers
Mr Jim Barbour
331 Ella Court
Newmarket, Ont
L3Y 4I6
Niagara Woodcarvers Association
Mr Bob Nadeau
48 Michael Dr. N.
Port Colborne, Ont
L3K 3C5
North Bay Woodcarvers Club
F.M. Charbonneau
58 Huron Cres
North Bay, Ont
P1A 3V1
Northern Ontario Woodcarvers
Virginia Longris
Box 1014
5 Chapman Street
Capreol, Ont
P0M 1H0
Northumberland Woodcarvers Club
Mrs Sue Breeze
R.R. #1
Hastings, Ont
K0L 1Y0
Ontario Woodcarvers Association
c/o Mr Gordon Paterson
50 Ladysbridge Dr
Scarborough, ON
M1G 3H7
Outaouais Wood Carvers
Mr Brian Davis
3530 McBean St
Box 311
Richmond, Ont
K0A 2Z0
Sandycove Woodpeckers
Mr Don Allan
900A Weeping Willow Dr
Sandycove Acres
Stroud, Ont
L0L 2M0
Springford Carvers
Mr John Lawrence
P.O. Box 2
8 Church St
Springford, Ont
N0J 1X0
Sunparlour Woodcarvers
Mr Bud Labranche
840 Edward St
Windsor, Ont
N8S 2Z5
The Brooklin Woodcarvers
Mr George Austen
882 Juniper St
Oshawa, Ont
L1G 3E1
Tri-Town Wood Carvers
Mr Jim Hopkins
R.R. #1
Haileybury, Ont
P0J 1K0
Wood Bee Carvers Guild
Mrs Donna Patrick
19 Sherwood Parkway
Sault Ste Marie, Ont
P6C 3B1
4.2.4 Prairies
4.2.5 Alberta
Northern Alberta Wood Carvers Association (NAWCA)
Edmonton, Alberta
(Newsletter Editor) Mr Heinz Zadler
6923 - 14th Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T6K 3V4
4.2.6 British Colombia
** New Club **
@ Painters Wood Craft Inc
17514 55B Ave
Surrey, BC
for info call Jim
4.3 Other Countries
Layout of this FAQ - Part III includes:
5.0 Carving Shows and Competitions
5.1 United States
5.1.2 New England
5.1.3 Mid-Atlantic
5.1.4 Chesapeake Bay Region
5.1.5 South
5.1.6 Mid-West
5.1.7 West
5.2 Canada
5.2.1 Maritimes
5.2.2 Quebec
5.2.3 Ontario
5.2.4 Prairies
5.2.5 Alberta
5.2.6 British Colombia
5.3 Other Countries
5.0 Carving Shows and Competitions
It is a good bet that there are literally thousands of carving shows and competitions at various times during the year around the world. It would be impossible for us to provide an exhaustive list. We will list as many events as possible and will require input from readers if this list is to be of any value to the carving community.
5.0 Carving Shows and Competitions
5.1 United States
5.1.2 New England
5.1.3 Mid-Atlantic
William Rush Annual Woodcarving
and Wildlife Art Show & Sale
19-20 Oct 96
Penn State Deleaware County Campus
Lima (Media), PA
Contact Fred Diehl
668 Parrish Rd
Swarthmore, PA 19081-1007
Western PA Woodcarvers Show & Sale
2-3 Nov 96
Shannon Fire Hall
Castle Shannon, PA
Contact: W. Alexander
5.1.4 Chesapeake Bay Region
Waterfowl Festival
8-10 Nov 96
Easton, Maryland
Contact Waterfowl Festival
PO Box 929
Easton, MD 21601
5.1.5 South
5th Annual Southwest Wildfowl Carving
19-20 Oct 96
Grapevine, TX
Texas Wood carvers " Wooden Wonderland '96 "
14 - 16 Nov 96
Tyler Rose Garden Center
Tyler, Texas
Mustang Draw Woodcarving Club 6th annual show & sale
November 15th and 16th, 1996
Ector County Colisuem and Exibition Center,
Building A,
Odessa, Texas
Contact: ROBERT MILES YUPL83A@prodigy.com
5.1.6 Mid-West
St Louis Area Annual Show & Sale
30 Nov - 1 Dec 96
Kirkwood Recreation Centre
Kirkwood, MO
Contact Richard Weitzman
(314) 872-7866
Limited to wood carvings, pyrography and schrimshaw
8th Annual Woodcarving Show
20 Oct 96
Middle School
905 E. Genessee
Frankenmuth, MI
Contact: Bill Schultz
5.1.7 West
Desert Woodcarving Show and Salw
11-12 Jan 97
Phoenix Civic Plaza
Phoenix AZ
Contact: John Peterson
Northern Colorado Woodcarvers
4th Annual Competition/Show/Sale
30 Nov - 1 Dec 96
Lincoln Centre
417 Magnolia
Fort Collins, Colorado
Contact: Bill Friehauf
7th Annual Artistry in Wood
19-20 Oct 96
Spokane Community College
Exit 283-B Interstate 90
Spokane, Washington
Contact: Gloria Standquist
5.2 Canada
5.2.1 Maritimes
5.2.2 Quebec
5.2.3 Ontario
Brooklin Woodcarvers 7th Annual Carving Show & Competition
Northview Community Centre
150 Beatrice St E
Oshawa, ON
Contact: Larry Skuratow
Ontario Wood Carvers' Show &
19-20 Oct 96
Malvern Community Centre
Scarborough, ON
Contact James Craig
(905) 886-2089
Brantford Wilfowl & Carving
8-10 Nov 96
Brantford, ON
Contact: Ken Hussey
5.2.4 Prairies
Reflections of Nature
24-27 Oct 96
Saskatoon Inn
Saskatoon, SK
Contact: Harvey M Welch
2792 Estview
Saskatoon, SK S7J 3H5
5.2.5 Alberta
Western Canada Waterfowl and Wildfowl
Carving Competition
18-20 Oct 96
Sportex Northlands Park
Edmonton, AB
Contact: Bruce Treichel
5.2.6 British Colombia
5.3 Other Countries
This is the FAQ for rec.crafts.carving. This is a combined effort of the subscribers of rec.crafts.carving and shall be under constant revision. If you have any suggestions or comments, please submit them to either John at "bearqst@polarnet.com" or to Mike at "mgdunk@bconnex.net" with the subject line of your letter titled r.c.c. FAQ. This is your document and requires your input, please help us keep this FAQ current with your comments and suggestions. We shall attempt to post this document once every month and update its content constantly.
Last Revised on: November 19, 1996
The carving FAQ is divided into four parts. Each part is available as a separate file. The parts of the Carving FAQ are:
1. Carving FAQ - General
2. Carving FAQ - Organizations
3. Carving FAQ - Shows & Competitions
4. Carving FAQ - Suppliers (this document)
Layout of this FAQ - Part IV includes:
7.0 Carving Suppliers
7.1 United States
7.1.2 New England
7.1.3 Mid-Atlantic
7.1.4 Chesapeake Bay Region
7.1.5 South
7.1.6 Mid-West
7.1.7 West
7.2 Canada
7.2.1 Maritimes
7.2.2 Quebec
7.2.3 Ontario
7.2.4 Prairies
7.2.5 Alberta
7.2.6 British Colombia
7.3 Other Countries
7.0 Carving Suppliers
Just as with the list of carving organizations, it would be impossible for us to maintain a comprehensive list of all businesses that provide carving supplies. We will maintain a list of suppliers as a service to carvers on the newsgroup. The list is compiled from input from postings from the newsgroup and are not as a result of any paid advertising or endorsement by anyone maintaining the list.
Many of the suppliers have catalogues available but there may be an initial fee for them.
7.1 United States
7.1.2 New England
210 Wood County Industrial Park
P.O. Box 1686
Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
Telephone: 1-800-225-1153
WEB Site: Http://www.woodcraft.com/
Smoky Mountain Woodcarvers
P.O. Box 82
Townsend, TN 37882
Mountain Heritage Crafters
601 Quail Dr.
Bluefield, VA 24605-9411
7.1.3 Mid-Atlantic
7.1.4 Chesapeake Bay Region
P.O. Box 527
Timonium, MD 21094-0527
Telephone: 1-800-468-7070
FAX: (410)560.0760
7.1.5 South
Curt's Wildfowl Corner
123 LeBoeuf St
P.O. Box 228
Montegut, LA 70377
Telephone: (Orders)1-800-523-8474, or (504)594-3012
FAX: (504)594-2328
Catalogue available on request
Wood Carvers Supply Inc
P.O. Box 7500
Englewood, FL 34295-7500
7.1.6 Mid-West
Ivan Whillock Studio
122 1st Ave N.E.
Faribault, MN 55021
Phone: 1-800-882-9379
7.1.7 West
Mountain Woodcarvers
150 East Riverside
P.O. Box 3485
Estes Park, CO 80519
Phone: 1-800-292-6788
Robert Larson Company, Inc.
15 Dorman Avenue
San Francisco CA 94124
Telephone: 1-415-821-1021
FAX: 1-415-821-3786
7.2 Canada
7.2.1 Maritimes
7.2.2 Quebec
7.2.3 Ontario
Gene's Woodcarving and Supplies
322 Ridge Road
Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2W2
Telephone: (905)622-CARV (2278)
1-800-659-CARV (2278)
FAX: (905)622-8084
Lee Valley Tools (Toronto West)
5511 Steeles Ave, W
Weston, ON M9L 1S7
Telephone: (416)746-0850
Lee Valley Tools (Toronto East)
1275 Morningside Ave
Scarborough, ON
Lee Valley Tools
1000 Morrison Dr
Ottawa, ON K2H 8K7
Telephone: (613)596-9202
Lee Valley Tools
2100 Oxford St E
London ON N5V 4A4
Telephone: (519)659-7981
McGray Wildlife Sculpture
1-167 Island View Dr
R.R. #2, Wiarton, Ontario Canada N0H 2T0
Catalogue available on request
(Gordon Meinecke)
Swiss Chisels & other Carving supplies
198 Merton Street
Toronto ON M4S 1A1
Modern Pattern Works Ltd.
736 Warden Ave. Unit 12-14
Scarborough, Ont., M1L 4B7
(416) 751-5272
Busy Bee Machine Tools Ltd
355 Norfinch Drive
North York, ON M3N 1Y7
Unicorn Universal Woods Ltd.
4190 Steeles Ave., West
Unit 4 Woodbridge,Ont. L4L 3S8
(905) 851-2308
Jan's Carving Supplies
24 Mill Lane, Bowmanville,
Ont., L1C 3K2
The Nautilus Arts & Crafts
Ltd., 6075 Kingston Road
Scarborough, Ont. M1C 1K5
(416) 284-1171
Gray's Hardware
537 Mount Pleasant
Toronto, ON M4S 2M5
Wood-n-Feathers Bird Carvings- Supplies,
206 Main Street West
Merrickville, Ontario
K0G 1N0
(613) 269 2900
Stockade - Wood & Craft Supply
650 Woodlawn Road West,
Unit 5C
Guelph, Ont. N1K 1B8
Earl & Shirl Enterprises
P.O.Box 23012, RPO, KRUG
Kitchener, Ont. N2B 3V1
Jandar (Carving Supplies)
R.R. #6
Brantford Ont. N3T 5L8
The Can-Do Bookstore
276 Delaware Ave.
Toronto, Ont. M6H 2T6
The Carving Box
161 Suffolk St. W.
Guelph, Ont. N1H 2J7
Studio In The Woods
Alwine & Kurt Franke
1559 Division St. N.
K9A 4J7
Chipping Away
Dennis & Todd Moor
247 Blackhorne Dr.
Kitchener, Ont. N2E 1Z2
Flemming's Woodcarving &
Specialty Suupplies
20 Brucker Rd.
Barrie Ont. L4N 8J2
Realistic Carving Blanks
R.R. # 3
Bobcaygeon Ont. K0M 1A0
Durel Grit(Roger Mason)
15 Werthein Crt. Suite 204
Richmond Hill Ont. L4B 3H7
Thunder Bolt Blades
(Michael Sheppard)
2427 Mount Forest Dr.
Burlington Ont.,L7P 1J7
(905) 335-6024
e-mail shpcora@hookup.net
The Royal WoodShop Ltd.
220 Wellington Street, East.
Aurora, Ont. L4G 1J5
The Woodshop
2 Bram Court
Brampton Ont.,L6W 3R6
PNG Tropical Hardwoods
258 Darling Street.
Burlington, Ont.
Exotic Woods Inc.
2483 Industtial Street
Burlington Ont.,L7P 1A6
The Farrell Lumber Co.
1229 Advance Road, Unit 3
Burlington Ont. N3H 4S6
A&M Wood Speciality Inc.
358 Eagle Street North
Box 32040,
Cambridge Ont. N3H 4S6
WEB Page: http://www.web.net/amwood/
The Woodwrights Shop
Deep River Ont. K0J 1P0
Oakwood Lumber & Millwork Co.
Ltd. 45 LePage Ct.,
Downsview Ont. M3J 2A2
Wellbeck Sawmill
Durham Ont. N0G 1R0
Innes Mills Hardwoods
R.R #2 Owen Sound, Ont.N4K 5N4
Semier Hardwoods Co.
R.R.#4 Perth, Ont.K7H 3C6
Monaghan Lumber Specialties
North Monagham Post Outlet
R.R #3 Box 10121
Peterborough Ont. K9J 8G0
Hamford Lumber Ltd.
45 Bethridge Road,
Rexdale Ont M9W 1M9
Egon Carlsen Lumber
General Delivery, Sanford Ont.
L0C 1E0, (905)852-5889
Thayer Lumber Co. Inc.
351 Nortland Road.
Sault St. Marie Ont. P6C 3Nc
Huronia Hardwoods(D.Woodlock)
4 Bridgeview Crt.
Wasaga Beach Ont. L0L 2P0
Skyway Lumber
464 Glendale Ave.
St. Catherines Ont. L2T 1K0
Timberline Fine Woods
1813 Allanport Road
Box 217
Thorold Ont. L2V 3Y9
Olivewood Specialty Lumber
339 Olivewood Road
Toronto Ont. M8Z 2Z6
Specialty Lumber & Crafts
27 Divison Street, Box 271
Colbourne Ont. K0K 1S0
D.F. Demaray Enterprises
408 Baker Street,
London Ont.
N6C 1X7
Phillmore Enterprises
R.R #3
London Ont. N6A 4B7
The Artificer
188 Millbank Dr.
London Ont. N6C 4V8
St. Thomas Ont. N5P 3S5
Worden Solar Drying
Kiln Dried Basswood
428 St. George St. E.
Fergus Ont. N1M 1K8
(After 6.00pm)
Tiverton ON N0G 2T0
Andy McKenzie
Basswood and Butternut
Tiverton ON N0G 2T0
7.2.4 Prairies
7.2.5 Alberta
Lee Valley Tools
10103 175th St NW
Edmonton Alta T5S 1L9
Telephone: (403)444-6153
Lee Valley Tools
7261 11th St SE
Calgary Alta T2H 2S1
Telephone: (403)253-2066
7.2.6 British Colombia
Lee Valley Tools
1098 SW Marine Dr
Vancouver BC V6P 5Z3
Telephone: (604)261-2262
7.3 Other Countries TOP