Jack A. Williams painting the street canvas. |
David Boone setting up Clyde's Garage. |
Painter in trouble. |
Pete LeClair and Keith Morrill working on The A&K Boarding House. |
Moma Lou's Cafe sign. |
Ryan Olsen arranging his barber shop quartet to the balcony of the Barber Shop. |
Joe You with Dunham's Dentistry and Fred's Meat Market. |
Dr. Dave and a patient. |
Clay model of city maintenance worker in front of the meat market. |
Floyd Rhadigan showing off the CCA Bank and Trust. |
Vicki and Phil Bishop putting final touches on the Bishop's General Store. |
Customers in the store. |
Dennis Thornton, Randy Landen and Eldon Humphreys setting up the Police Station. |
Cops in action. |
Chris Hammack eying a massage parlor client. |
Peter Ortel, PJ Driscoll and Sandy Smith admiring the Fire Station. |
Firemen sliding down pole. |
Washing the fire truck. |
Doug Raine turning on the lights in the Movie Theater. |
Dave Stetson getting the construction crew going. |
Carpenter working on building under construction. |
The set-up is complete. |
The completed set-up. |
CCA crew enjoying the fruits of our labor after a hard day's work. |