Blank Segments and Turnings


A Friendship Cane is assembled from carved segments, a 5/8" dowel, a tip, a handle and a cap.

The 5/8" dowel is generally available at your local lumberyard, but blank segments and a turned tip, handle and cap are quite another matter. If you do not have the equipment or ability to make segment blanks or turn the tip, handle and cap, here are possible sources.

Obtaining Cane Segments:

Check with friends, carving club members, local turners to see if someone is willing to produce the blanks and turnings you need.

Or - precut, predrilled segments are available from several sources;

Mountain Hertiage Crafters - click HERE to visit their website, email to or call 540.322.5921

Smoky Mountain Woodcarvers - click HERE to visit their website, email to, or call 1.800.541.5994

Obtaining Cane Turnings:

Individuals who once produced turnings for cane handles and tips no longer do so. If you are interested is turning these items, contact Matt Kelley via the contact form in the ABOUT page at

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Last update 2/19/14