Archive for Editor – Page 4

March-April 2014 WOM


Welcome to Woodcarver Online Magazine Volume 18 Issue 2



Stetson02 Dave Stet­son — Best of Show — Open at the 2014 Desert Wood­carv­ing Show

Bass­wood, 20″ tall

 Click image for a larg­er view

























Hel­lo, Friends in Carv­ing -

The first sev­er­al arti­cles for the March/April 2014 issue of WOM are now avail­able .  You’ll find them fol­low­ing this article.

In this issue — and avail­able now:

Pho­to Gallery:  Gath­er­ing of Wood­carvers Reunion ’13

Ol’ Don’s Draw­ing Table: The Orig­i­nal Birdwatcher

Cana­di­an Carvapalooza

Pete LeClair: Stan­ley

Steve Prescott on Devel­op­ing Patterns

Update to Car­i­ca­ture Name TagsClub Project by Jim Oehmke

Com­ing soon:

Carv­ing The CCA 1930’s Street Scene — Behind The Scenes

Pho­to Gallery: Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carvers Con­gress 2013


In case you missed it, Klingspor’s Wood­work­ing Sup­ply has joined the fam­i­ly of spon­sors of the Carvers’ Com­pan­ion and Wood­carv­er Online Mag­a­zine.  The sup­port of our spon­sors has help keep this web­site and WOM free to all users for many years.  Please vis­it our spon­sors by click­ing the graph­ic links in the spon­sor sidebar.


WOM Editor Matt Kelley

WOM Edi­tor Matt Kelley


Matt Kel­ley



January/February 2014 WOM — Part II


Volume 18 Issue 1 — Part 2 Articles Now Available

Hel­lo, Friends in Carving -

The arti­cles for Part 2 of the January/February 2014 issue of WOM are now avail­able .  You’ll find them fol­low­ing this article.

Before you get to those, I’d look to point out a new fea­ture just added to WOM — see that lit­tle box at the top of the right side bar?  That is a search box, with gives you the abil­i­ty to search back issues of WOM.  Using key word search­es, you can much more quick­ly find, for exam­ple, all arti­cles about the Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carv­er Con­gress, or car­i­ca­ture carv­ing, or pat­terns.  At the moment, search only works with WOM entries from 2012 for­ward; short index arti­cles need to be writ­ten for old­er WOM arti­cles.  Once done, you’ll be able to search issues back to January/February 1997.

In part 2 of this issue — and avail­able now:

Dan Blair on Play­ing With Fire

Review:  Twist­ed Taters by Steve DuBridge

Car­i­ca­ture Name TagsClub Project by Jim Oehmke

In Future issues

Pho­to Gallery:  Gath­er­ing of Wood­carvers Reunion ’13

Pho­to Gallery:  2013 Husky Cup

Pho­to Gallery: Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carvers Con­gress 2013


WOM Editor Matt Kelley

WOM Edi­tor Matt Kelley


Matt Kel­ley



January/February 2014 WOM


Our Front Page pho­to this issue is:

2013 International Woodcarvers Congress

See Bait

Carved by Bruce Burk­hold­er, Madi­son, OH

Pho­to by Marc Featherly

First in Class 703 (com­bin­ing two or more ele­ments from the group) — Fish, Aquat­ic Crea­tures, Amphib­ians, Rep­tiles and Dinosaurs,

2013 Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carv­er Congress

Hel­lo, Friends in Carving -

 One of the rewards for a life of work is retire­ment from the work-a-day world, and the abil­i­ty to spend that for­mer work time on the things that your real­ly want to do — like more carv­ing, learn­ing to draw, teach­ing, doing more clay prac­tice pieces, sort­ing out web sites — and migrat­ing out of the Frozen North to warmer climes for a few months.  As it turns out, it was worth the work.  If you can’t vis­it some­where warmer, I hope you find time to keep work­ing at our shared art and craft.

In this issue — and avail­able now:

Pho­to Gallery:  Carv-Fest ’13

Pho­to Gallery:  Desiree Hajny Carvings

Ol’ Don’s Draw­ing Table:  Kiss The Cook

Pete LeClair: Egard

Ask Joe: Carv­ing Videos

Dale Zarel­la: Poet­ry — I Love The Wood

New Resource Files — The Video Files

Com­ing up in Part 2:

Dan Blair on Play­ing With Fire

Review:  Twist­ed Taters by Steve DuBridge

In Future issues

Pho­to Gallery:  Gath­er­ing of Wood­carvers Reunion ’13

Pho­to Gallery:  2013 Husky Cup

Pho­to Gallery: Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carvers Con­gress 2013


WOM Editor Matt Kelley

WOM Edi­tor Matt Kelley


Matt Kel­ley



November/December 2013 WOM


Our Front Page pho­to this issue is:

Win­ter’s List

Carved by Teri Embrey


Win­ter’s List”, by Teri Embrey

Hel­lo, Friends in Carving -

The Christ­mas sea­son is almost upon us, but there is still plen­ty of time to do some carv­ings for gifts or sea­son­al orna­ments.   Lots of ideas in this issue for San­tas and oth­er orna­ments if you are look­ing for ideas.

Artistry in Wood, the annu­al two day carv­ing show host­ed by the Day­ton Carvers Guild was anoth­er won­der­ful event.  I ‘m hap­py I was able to chat with some of you there this year.   It’s a great show, and one that should be on your cal­en­dar to attend.  We’ll have some pho­tos from the 2013 show in the January/February issue of WOM; but in the mean­time, this issue con­tains addi­tion­al can­did pho­tos from the 2012 event, pro­vid­ed by “Ol’ Don” and Sandie Burgdorf.

In this issue — and avail­able now:

2013 San­ta Gallery

Ol’ Don’s Draw­ing Table:  San­ta Ornament

Pete LeClair: San­ta

Randy George:  Step-by-step pho­tos of carv­ing a San­ta from a half-log

More Pho­tos from Artistry in Wood 2012

Com­ing up:

Dan Blair on Carving

Pho­to Gallery:  Gath­er­ing of Wood­carvers Reunion ’13

Pho­to Gallery:  Carv-Fest ’13

Pho­to Gallery:  Desiree Hajny Carvings

Joe Dil­lett: Carv­ing Videos

Pho­to Gallery:  2013 Husky Cup


WOM Editor Matt Kelley

WOM Edi­tor Matt Kelley


Matt Kel­ley



September/October 2013 WOM


Wel­come to the September/October ’13 issue of Wood­carv­er Online Magazine

Our Front Page pho­to this issue is:

Lama Table

Carved by Sam­pa Lhundup

Lama table 82

Hel­lo, Friends in Carving -

Sum­mer is over and the signs of Fall are start­ing to show in North Amer­i­ca.  One sure sign of fall is that we are just a few months away from Artistry in Wood, the annu­al two day carv­ing show host­ed by the Day­ton Carvers Guild.   It’s a great show, and one that should be on your cal­en­dar to attend.  Look for our cov­er­age of the 2012 AIW win­ners lat­er in this issue.

In this issue -

Avail­able now:

Pro­file: Sam­pa Lhundup

Mike Bloomquist: Get Whale Soon!

Ol’ Don’s Draw­ing Table:  NFL Gnome

Pete LeClair: Mike 4

Call for Pho­tos:  Annu­al San­ta Gallery

Com­ing soon

Call for Pho­tos: Celtic Art Gallery

Win­ners Gallery:  Artistry in Wood 2012

Pho­to Gallery:  Gath­er­ing of Wood­carvers Reunion ’13

Pho­to Gallery:  2013 Husky Cup


WOM Editor Matt Kelley

WOM Edi­tor Matt Kelley


Matt Kel­ley



July/August 2013 WOM


Wel­come to the July/August issue of Wood­carv­er Online Magazine

Our Front Page pho­to this issue is:

Uncle Sam

Bob Cisko, Jack­sonville, FL

9″ x 4″ 


Bob Cisko’s Uncle Sam

Hel­lo, Friends in Carving -

Here in North Amer­i­ca, sum­mer carv­ing roundups and instruc­tion­al events seem to be hap­pen­ing every­where.   These events are a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to pick up knife and wood, meet oth­er carvers and take some class­es.   They are also an oppor­tu­ni­ty to intro­duce oth­ers to our won­der­ful art and craft.  If you are going to one of these events, you might invite that friend, neigh­bor, or grand­child who has shown an inter­est in your carving.

Work con­tin­ues on con­vert­ing sec­tions of the old Carvers’ Com­pan­ion web site to our new for­mat.  The Ven­dor Files have been recent­ly updat­ed and revamped;  they con­tin­ue to be your best one-stop source for find­ing ven­dors of tools and mate­r­i­al.  Just hov­er your cur­sor over The Files in the top menu bar and click on Ven­dor Files to visit.

In this issue -

Avail­able now:

Bob Cisko’s Uncle Sam

Jack Pro­s­eilo’s Soap Carv­ing Toolkits

Pete LeClair’s Lar­ry

Ol’ Don’s Draw­ing Table:  Pills

Com­ing soon

Pro­file:  Sam­pa Lhundup

Dan Blair on Fish Paint­ing

Book Review

And more …


WOM Editor Matt Kelley

WOM Edi­tor Matt Kelley


Matt Kel­ley



May/June 2013 WOM


Wel­come to the Carvers’ Com­pan­ion 2.0  May/June issue of Wood­carv­er Online Magazine

Our Front Page pho­to this issue is:

Cross­word Kibitzers

Mar­vin Kaiser­satt, Farib­ault, MN

12″ x 15″ x 7″

2012 Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carvers Congress

Bob Sin­clair Car­i­ca­ture Award

Ol’ Don” Burgdorf Car­i­ca­ture Group Award

1st in Group E — Caricatures

1st in Class 505 — Com­bin­ing of two or more Group E Subjects

Pho­tog­ra­phy by Marc Feath­er­ly, Nor­mal, IL

(Click pho­to for a larg­er view; click the back but­ton on your web brows­er to return)

Crossword Kibitizers

Cross­word Kibitizers

Hel­lo, Friends in Carving -

As I look out my win­dow, sum­mer is final­ly set­tling in, which means lots more to do out­doors and that many more activ­i­ties to dis­tract you from pick­ing up knife and wood.  Hope­ful­ly, the arti­cles in WOM can in some part inspire you to keep at your art and craft despite the many dis­trac­tions of clement weather.

As many of you know, our friend of many years and long-time WOM con­trib­u­tor “Ol’ Don” Burgdorf recent­ly had suc­cess­ful can­cer surgery.  We wish Ol’ Don a speedy recov­ery and expect we’ll soon see him and Sandie back in the motorhome and on the road to var­i­ous carv­ing events.

At the request of vis­i­tors to the Carvers’ Com­pan­ion home page, the logo graph­ics found there are now click­able links to your par­tic­u­lar are of inter­est, so you may now click on a logo or use the menu bar at the top of the home page.

In this issue -

Avail­able now:

Ol’ Don’s Draw­ing Table:  Bowl­ing Alley Flirt

Pete LeClair’s Lar­ry

Lots more com­ing soon


WOM Editor Matt Kelley

WOM Edi­tor Matt Kelley


Matt Kel­ley



March/April 2013 WOM


Wel­come to the Carvers’ Com­pan­ion 2.0  and the March/April issue of Wood­carv­er Online Magazine

Our Front Page pho­to this issue is:


Fred Zavadil, Wind­sor, ON 

Best of Show, 2012 Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carvers Congress

Pho­tog­ra­phy by Marc Feath­er­ly, Nor­mal, IL


 I always look for­ward to the issue in which we pub­lish the win­ners of the annu­al IWC com­pe­ti­tion.  The gallery is typ­i­cal­ly a lot of work because of the quan­ti­ty of pho­to, but the qual­i­ty of Marc Feath­er­ly’s pho­tog­ra­phy makes it a plea­sure to see the fin­ished prod­uct.  Dreams is just a exam­ple of what you will see in the win­ner gallery, so don’t miss it.  The win­ners of  com­pe­ti­tions like IWC, the CCA Com­pe­ti­tion and Artistry in Wood are a con­stant reminder that wood­carv­ing is tru­ly Art At The Cut­ting Edge.

In this issue -

Avail­able now:

Ol’ Don’s Draw­ing Table: Just in time to carve for St Patrick­’s Day: Boop-oop-a-doop

Pete LeClair’s Cap­t’n Caylen

Avail­able Soon:

Pho­to Gallery: Win­ners Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carvers Con­gress Report and Gallery

Words from Dan Blair

Part 5 of Find­ing and Col­lect­ing Cot­ton­wood Bark by Alex Bis­so


WOM Editor Matt Kelley

WOM Edi­tor Matt Kelley


Matt Kel­ley



January/February 2013 WOM


Wel­come to the Carvers’ Com­pan­ion 2.0  and the first issue of Wood­carv­er Online Mag­a­zine for Year 17.

It’s been an amaz­ing 15 years since Bill Judt pub­lished Vol­ume 1, Issue 1 of what was then called World Wide Wood­carv­er Ezine.  It’s been twelve years since Bill hand­ed off the stew­ard­ship of the ezine to me, and what a ride it has been.

You will have noticed as you nav­i­gat­ed to this page the new look of the Carvers’ Com­pan­ion site in gen­er­al and WOM specif­i­cal­ly.  In a project that has been under­way to some degree for almost a year, we are switch­ing the entire site to a Word­Press foun­da­tion.  What you see today are just the first steps; there is lots of work ahead to link the back cat­a­logue of the last 15 years into the new for­mat, as well as update the Resource Files and oth­er exist­ing elements

What does this mean for you, Gen­tle Read­er?  Well, lots of pos­i­tive things:

  • A more con­tem­po­rary, fresh design, that is device sens­ing, which means it will look great on your iPad or smart phone.
  • A ful­ly search­able site, even­tu­al­ly includ­ing all the back issues of WOM.  (This alone will be worth the work.)
  • A more eas­i­ly main­tained and oper­at­ed web site, which means more time­ly pub­li­ca­tion, updates and addi­tion of new content.
  • WOM con­tribut­ing authors can write their arti­cles direct­ly into the sys­tem, have them reviewed and then pub­lished with­out hav­ing to write any code.
  • A new pub­lish­ing mode for WOM.  Issues will start with one or two arti­cles with­in the first sev­er­al days of each pub­li­ca­tion month, with oth­er arti­cles fol­low­ing as soon as they are ready for publication.
  • Even­tu­al­ly we will open up the WOM arti­cles for com­ments and feedback.
  • Improved con­tent, such as a new sec­tion con­tain­ing links to video tutorials.
  • Events, Hap­pen­in’s and Going’s-on moves to it’s own page, which will be updat­ed on an ongo­ing basis, rather then every two months.

I am excit­ed about what has been accom­plished, and remain undaunt­ed about the work ahead to fin­ish the update.  (Retire­ment is a great stress reduc­er!)  If you have sug­ges­tions for changes or addi­tions to the site, com­ments, ques­tions, or am inter­est­ed in becom­ing a con­tribut­ing author or spon­sor, please let me know via the con­tact form on the About page — just click About in the top menu bar.

In clos­ing, I must make sev­er­al acknowledgements:

  • First, a big thanks to Lori Cor­bett, our res­i­dent web and Word­Press advi­sor and favorite geek carv­er & artist, with­out whose help this update would still be in the dis­tant mists of time.
  • Sec­ond, thanks to fel­low carvers Mike Bloomquist and Doug Evans, who con­tribute arti­cles, advice,  and behind the scenes sup­port.  Thanks also to all the oth­er folks who have also con­tributed arti­cles, pho­tos and advice over the years.
  • Third, anoth­er major thanks to two carvers who have been in every issue of WOM for the last twelve years.  “Ol’ Don” Burgdorf and Pete LeClair are tire­less in their will­ing­ness to share with oth­er carvers, which of course is the core mis­sion of the Carvers’ Com­pan­ion and dri­ves every­thing we do.
  • Final­ly, uncount­ed thanks to my bride of forty plus years, The Love­ly Cather­ine, whose patience with my time at the com­put­er, at the bench and attend­ing to carv­ing-relat­ed mat­ters knows no bounds.

In this issue:

Ol’ Don’s Draw­ing Table: The Phar­ma­cist

Pete LeClair’s Bob

Pho­to Gallery: Win­ners of the CCA 2012 Car­i­ca­ture Carv­ing Competition

CCA Sem­i­nar for 2013

Com­ing up in March/April:

IWC 2012 Report and Gallery

Words from Dan Blair

Part 5 of Find­ing and Col­lect­ing Cot­ton­wood Bark by Alex Bis­so

Ol’ Don’s Draw­ing Table

Pete LeClair’s Project


WOM Editor Matt Kelley

WOM Edi­tor Matt Kelley


Matt Kel­ley



November/December 2012 WOM

Welcome to Issue 6 of Year 16 of Woodcarver Online Magazine.

Our Front Page pho­to this issue is:

Fred Zavadil’s



Fred Zavadil’s Santa

 Hel­lo carv­ing friends -

Wel­come to the final issue of WOM for 2012. The Christ­mas sea­son is upon us, and what bet­ter way to cel­e­brate then the 2012 San­ta Gallery. There are some great carv­ings in the gallery this year, with a lot of first-time entrants, like Fred Zavadil and his won­der­ful San­ta. As a bonus, you’ll find down­load­able pat­terns and instruc­tions for two orna­ments designed and carved by Joe Dil­lett. Thanks to all those who sub­mit­ted pho­tos; please plan on send­ing pho­tos of your favorite San­ta or sea­son­al carv­ing for the gallery in 2013.

2012 has been a year of tremen­dous change, not the least of which is my very recent retire­ment after over 38 years of ser­vice at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan. I’m look­ing for­ward to 2013 and more time with fam­i­ly, much more time at the carv­ing bench, rid­ing my Ram­bler tad­pole design recum­bent trike, work­ing on improved skills with clay and draw­ing, updat­ing the Carvers Com­pan­ion web sites, and not get­ting up at 5:30 am. (Most par­tic­u­lar­ly the last!) Retire­ment will also mean I’ll final­ly have time to attend more events like the Inter­na­tion­al Wood­carvers Con­gress and vis­it with friends, to which I am also look­ing forward.

If you are a Face­book mem­ber, take time to vis­it the Carvers’ Companion/Woodcarver List Face­book group. This pro­vides a place on FB for carvers to post carv­ing pho­tos and to chat about carv­ing, ask ques­tions, etc; it also serves as a com­pan­ion to the Wood­carv­er List­serv. Come on by for a vis­it with the 239 cur­rent mem­bers! Click HERE or on Face­book search for “Wood­carv­er List”

In this issue:

San­ta Gallery 2012

Part 4 of Find­ing and Col­lect­ing Cot­ton­wood Bark by Alex Bis­so

Ho, Ho, Ho by “Ol’ Don” Burgdorf

Pete LeClair’s Santa


Call For Front Page Carv­ing Pho­tos We’re always look­ing for great pho­tos of great carv­ings for the front page of WOM. If you’d like your pho­to to be con­sid­ered, send it on in. Please include the back sto­ry, mate­r­i­al and fin­ish info, size, etc. Send to womed­i­tor AT

Arti­cles and sug­ges­tions for arti­cles are always wel­come. Feel free to send sug­ges­tions and requests. For infor­ma­tion on sub­mit­ting arti­cles for pub­li­ca­tion, click HERE.

WOM Editor Matt Kelley

WOM Edi­tor Matt Kelley