Authors/Contributors Guide

for the Woodcarver Online Magazine

The following guidelines were prepared to make it easier for authors to understand the process of submitting articles for publication in the WOM


Who can submit articles to WOM?

  • Any woodcarver who is online is eligible and welcome to contribute articles, information, comments and letters to this E-zine.
  • An organization/association can also contribute information to the E-zine, where that information is of interest and useful to woodcarvers. Examples of this would be carving clubs and carving competition/exhibition groups who wish to promote their clubs and activities and announce events.
  • How will authors/contributors benefit?

    Authors who contribute to this E-zine will receive no remuneration for their articles/submissions. Nevertheless, it will be well worth their while to make the effort to contibute well crafted and timely articles for the benefit of other online carvers.
    By contributing high quality articles, authors can establish a reputation for themselves in their particular field of woodcarving expertise. They can quickly become recognized by a grateful readership for the quality of their writing/contributions.
    As they become known as authors, and credited with a level of expertise, they will undoubtably fall upon opportunities not available to those who are too shy to contribute. Authors will find that their articles will allow them to meet other carvers personally, and develop relationship and contacts that will serve them well.
    This E-zine provides carvers of all stripes the opportunity to contribute to the promotion and advancement of woodcarving both online and offline. Those who serve the carving community by freely offering their knowledge and expertise will reap benefits many times the effort they expended. The carving community rewards it own.

    What articles are eligible for publication?

    Send the E-zine your articles about:

  • Relief carving
  • Whittling
  • Sculpture and in-the-round Carving
  • Water Fowl Carving
  • Bird Carving
  • Caricature Carving
  • Chip Carving
  • Fish Carving
  • Bark Carving
  • Chain Saw Carving
  • Pyrography
  • Also send the E-zine articles about:

  • tools and equipment reviews
  • books reviews
  • materials and woods
  • technical articles
  • carving humor, cartoons and poems
  • carving techniques
  • workshops, seminars, exhibitions and competitions
  • other online carving resources
  • and what ever else is interesting and relevant to woodcarving.

  • Articles will run for 60 days, which is the length of time each issue will be current on the WOM website. WOM is a bi-monthly publication, appearing on the first of each month during January, March, May, July, September and November. Articles will be archived for easy reference at a later date. This means that your article can be accessed easily long after it ceases to be part of the current issue.

    Will other submissions will be accepted?

    You can contribute to any of the following:

  • Letters to the Editor
  • Who's Who... a list of Woodcarvers online
  • Help Files... lists, directories and FAQ's about woodcarving and online woodcarvers
  • What's Happening... a summary of woodcarving Events
  • How will my article be identified?

    All articles will contain as many of the following as possible:

  • a 25-30 word summary of what readers will find in the article.
  • links to the author's home page and email address.
  • a short bio of the author
  • a photo of the author (if available) and photos of his/her work.
  • What are the deadlines for submission?

  • WOM will be published as a bi-monthly publication, appearing on the first of each month during January, March, May, July, September and November.
  • Deadlines for submission will be 30 days prior to the date of publication. For example, an article which is to be published in the March 1st 1997 issue will have to be submitted on or before January 31st, 1997. This is to allow the editor time to put the issue together.
  • How do I contribute my article/submission?

  • All articles and submissions MUST be delivered to the editor by email. This includes the text of the article (plain text format or HTML formated text) and jpegs/gifs of images that will be included with the article.
  • The best format for scanned images is JPG (or JPEG). The best format for images created in draw programs is the GIF format.
  • The best method of sending the text and images is via email. Images may be attached to an email message containing the article.
  • Please ensure that your jpegs/gifs are no larger that 25-30k in size. Otherwise they will be too large to upload quickly when the reader visits your article.
  • If you are unsure about how to prepare the images or how to send them attached to email, then contact the Editor for assistance.
  • Who do I contact about submitting articles/information?

    Contact W.M. (Matt) Kelley the editor/publisher of this E-zine.

    Check out the WOM main page

    This is the main page for the E-zine, where readers will find links, among other things, to the Current Issue.

    Last update 9/03