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You are welcome to email the Editor/Publisher, W.M. Kelley, with your comments and suggestions at womeditor AT comcast DOT net

The Name

Woodcarver Online Magazine is also know as WOM, World Wide Woodc@rver Ezine or The Ezine.


If you wish to author articles or otherwise contribute to WOM, please visit the Authors/Contributors page HERE.

Advertisers Guide

Advertising in WOM gives you a lot of bang for your advertising dollar. WOM serves a very focused group; Internet active carvers who purchase tools, supplies and material. To learn how WOM can benefit your business, click HERE

Publishing Schedule

WOM is published in January, March, May, July, September and November. Part I is typically available by mid-month, and Part II two to three weeks later. Items for submission must be received by the 15th of the proceeding month.

Copyright Statement

Woodcarver Online Magazine is owned W.M. Kelley. All content is subject to copyright by W.M. Kelley or the original authors, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior written approval. No copyrighted material will knowingly be permitted in this E-zine without the prior approval of the original author(s).


For those interested, information about the orgins of WOM may be found HERE.

Copyright 2012, All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission.