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WOM Annual Santa Gallery Announcement

Santa Carvings sign by Tim Berry

The Annual Santa Gallery will once again grace the pages of WOM, but this year in Part II of the September/October issue. You are invited to submit photos of your favorate recent Santa carving to womeditorATcomcastDOTnet.

Please include the following information with your photos:

Size (approx)

About the design:
*From your own design?
*Carved in a class led by . . .
*Inspired by a design by . . .
*From a rough out by . . .
*From a pattern by . . .
*Etc . . .

Submissions due no later than September 30.

One or more designs will be selected to appear on the 2006 Santa Gallery poster and will also be available as Christmas greeting cards and post cards through the Carvers' Companion shop at CafePress. The entire markup from any sales will be donated to Toys For Tots.

Questions? Send email to womeditorATcomcastDOTnet.