Serendipity that's what it is. Serendipity. Neat word don't you think? I like it, although I probably don't use it quite correctly. According to a quick scan of on-line dictionaries it's a happy, accidental discovery of something that you weren't really looking for. I tend to think of serendipity as a series of happy accidental discoveries and occurrences that, when taken together, smack of fortuitous fate. Fate sounds too deep, serious, and philosophical, so I prefer to misuse the more playful word, serendipity.
Psssst! For you readers who are still with me, Thank You. You must realize that the deep, serious, and philosophical readers have, by now, skipped ahead a couple paragraphs to where they know (from experience) the actual book review starts. Ahem! Anyway, my brother-in-law has been hounding me to carve him a wood duck since he discovered I could carve. You realize this is not a regular commission. I'm supposed to carve this purely out of gratitude for him being my brother-in-law. I'm sure most of you have had one of these inside-the-family commissions. It can't be that unusual. So along comes this this book review assignment, and the book is all about carving and painting a wood duck decoy. Then, not long after that, I win a raffle item at the Erie Canal Woodcarver's annual picnic. And the raffle item is?... a full size wood duck blank. Serendipity for sure. I guess it's time to carve a wood duck.
This won't
be the first. My first wood duck was also an inside-the-family
job that my mother promised her cousin I would carve for her.
This was a different situation. When I was young, my family
would spend at least one week each summer camping at my uncle's
picnic area outside Emporium,
book was serious, but it wasn't. It was serious about reproducing
an antique duck decoy, but not serious about the duck being biologically
correct on a microscopic level. This means there was no
wood burning, texturing, or fine detailing of the more subtle
feather groups, but a lot of attention was paid to painting techniques.
Let's face it, a decoy is meant to lure a particular breed of
duck into shooting range, not leave a ornithologist glassy eyed
and short of breath. Also staying with the purpose of the
book was the serious collection of "distressing" techniques,
torching, beating with chains, dropping the finished carving on
gravel, wrapping it with decoy lines and further beatings with
a ball peen hammer, all meant to simulate the age marks a decoy
would exhibit after several seasons of hunting and storage.
There was a great section on carving wooden eyes and another section
on the various glass eyes that were available. The photography
and layout in all areas of the book was phenomenal. The
step-by-steps were clear and in synch with the text and supportive
of the text, and there are a couple of very artistic still-life
hunting scenes. Finally, there was my favorite part of the
book, the painting schedule and instruction. It seems very
detailed, complete, and unambiguous. Several years ago,
when I carved and painted my first wood duck, I paid more than
the price of this book for a booklet on just painting the wood
duck. That guide was not even half as well done as the painting
schedule in "Antique Style Duck Decoys".
A brief tour:
Chapter 1:
Getting Started
Chapter 2:
Carving the Decoy
Chapter 3:
Aging the Wood
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Nit Picks:
Two minor
ones. First, the layout and photography (Tom is actually
one of the photographers as well as the author) credits are not
prominent enough. Second, there is no discussion of
alternative holding devices other than a brief mention of a horse
head clamp which had no description, picture, or source.
This is a four thumber with one major qualifier. Many
of the sections are very applicable to other carvings of antique
decoys, but if you never intend to carve at least one wood duck,
you have immediately lost 60% or more of this book.
The gallery has a nice sampling of the art, sections on carving
a wooden eye and distressing would map easily to other projects,
but the reference photos of live birds and most of the painting
instructions are 100% wood duck.
OK Gang, keep them edges keen, the chips piled high, and your
feathers well oiled. Mean while, I need to start carving
a wood duck because he is a pretty good brother-in-law.
Keep on Carvin'
-Mike Bloomquist->
Mike Bloomquist is a carver and carving teacher, and a regular contributor to WOM.
You may visit Mike's web site, Wooden Dreams Woodcarving HERE or email him at m.bloomquistATverizonDOTnet.