Carver News
Events, Happenin's and Going's-on
A Service of Woodcarver Online
Information for inclusion in Roadtrips, Happenin's and Going's-on should be directed to: roadtripsATcarverscompanionDOTcom
Fish Lure Carving
Sponsored by the
Fishcarving 2 Mail List
Sign-Up / Entry Dates - September 29 to October 27,
Length of carving time - October 1 to December 19
Contest ends December 23!
Winners Announced December 29, 2006
Two categories - Bi-Color Fish Lure and Decorative
Fish Lure
You must be a
member in good standing of the Fishcarving2 List
To Join, click
It Grows On Trees
Woodworking Competition
and Exhibit of carvings and other wood art made from ash trees
and other locally-salvaged timber.
Entries due by January
15, 2007
Sponsored by Riverside Art Center Gallery
and Southeast Michigan Resource Conservation & Development
The exhibit and competition "presents
creative uses for local and under-valued wood. Materials may
include ash trees and other locally-salvaged timber; sticks, branches
and sawmill waste; "junk wood" species like mulberry
and box-elder, and lumber salvaged from pallets and shipping materials."
Please note this exhibit and competition
is limited to makers and timber from Michigan and the Emerald
Ash Borer-affected region.
For more information, click HERE
or email michiganwoodart@gtlakes.com
Editors Note: As
many of you know, ash tree populations in portions of Michigan
and other states have been devastated by the Emerald Ash Borer,
with millions of trees already destroyed and hundreds of tons
of wood land-filled, chipped or burned. This competition is
an attempt to find alternative uses for ash wood and other "found"
Charlotte WoodCarvers
Club announces their annual
Showcase of WoodCarvings
February 17 - 18,
St. Ann's Catholic Church
3635 Park Road in Charlotte, NC
For more information, click HERE
Phone: 704 - 358 - 8020 or email: showcase@charlottewoodcarvers.com
Free Admission!!
Burke's 16th Annual
Western & Wildlife Art Workshop at Doane College.
July 22-27, 2007
Crete, Nebraska
Wood Carving & Sculpting with 11
Top Artist Instructors
For more information, contact Warren
J. Blessing Jr., 309 Woodbridge Rd. Coventry, CT 06238, phone
860-742-3253 or email to warren@ctvalleywc.com