Welcome to Issue 4 of Year 11 of Woodcarver Online Magazine.
Part I of this issue includes a photo report on the Dollywood Woocarving Showcase, featuring the excellent photography of Jack A and Carole Williams. Pyrograffiti features a preview of the upcoming Woodburning Celebration Also included are regulars "Ol' Don" Burgdorf, Pete LeClair, and Events, Happenin's and Going's-on.
In Part II of this issue, you'll find the 2007 Santa Gallery Call for Photos, Notes From The Net and perhaps a book review.
In Memoriam
Marnie Whillock-Becker
The everyday world halted for many of us on July 2 when word arrived of the passing of Marnie Whillock after a long, hard-fought battle with cancer. Marnie was an avid supporter of the carving arts and was loved and respected by her many woodcarving friends.
For the past five years Marnie served as the founding editor of Carving Magazine; her enthusiasm and hard work resulted in the quality publication that exists today. She was always fun to work with, and helped make writing about woodcarving an enjoyable experience.
Marnie was also the owner of Marnie Whillock Associates, a supplier of woodcarving tools, books and materials.
Marnie leaves her sons Cory and Ryan, parents Ivan and Mary Whillock, and brothers Chris, Mark and Rand, as well as many friends in Faribault and throughout the carving world.
In typical Marnie fashion, she requested that her memorial service be followed by a party at the Rice County Fairgrounds in Faribault, where the several hundred in attendenance celebrated with music and fond memories.
It was also Marnie's wish that the 2007 Carv-Fest in Faribault continue as scheduled. Carv-Fest takes place August 11-12 and includes many nationally-know carving instructors. This is an event well worth a long trip; for more information see the Events listing in this issue of WOM.
Marnie, we will miss you! We'll miss your ready smile, your love of family and friends, and of woodcarving.
-Matt Kelley
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The loveingly executed oil portrait of Marnie was completed by her father earlier this year, and is used here with Ivan's kind permission. You may click the portrait for a larger view.
A fund has been established to help the Whillock family with Marnie's medical expenses. Those wishing to contribute should make checks payable to the Whillock Family and mail them to:
Whillock Family, 1018 SW 8th Street, Faribault, MN 55021