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The World Wide Woodcarver Exchanges (W3E) - Changes Underway

A few issues back I wrote, regarding the World Wide Woodcarver Exchanges: "It's a wise man who understands when he is spread a bit too thin - and a wiser man still that does something about it."

Well, it's has taken a while. but the "do something about it" is at hand.

For the last seven months, Dr. Steven Brandt has been coordinating the Spoon Exchange. Shortly, Bill Russell will become coordinator of the Bottlestopper and Santa exchanges, and Vic Hamburger will coordinate the Grand-daddy of 'em all, the Friendship Cane Segment exchange. In addition, Jim Brumm will coordinate a new exchange that will begin after the first of the year. We don't have a name for it yet, but groups of four will carve a golf ball, spoon, pin and friendship cane segment in turn over four months.

The coordinators will keep track of registrants, provide updates, answer questions and generally help promote their exchanges.

Watch WOM and your favorite mail list for more announcements as we move further along in this process.

A big thanks to Steven, Bill, Vic and Jim for stepping up to keep these exchanges functioning.

Carve On!

Matt Kelley

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