The Woodcarver List and Other Changes At The Carvers' Companion Hello carving friends - The last several weeks have been busy around the Kelley household - travel to a swing dance convention one weekend, travel to a niece's wedding the next, all the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving and now fighting off the first cold of the winter season. On top of all that, around November 1st the ownership of the Woodcarver List passed from founder Bill Judt to your humble Editor. The Woodcarver List is now a part of the suite of carving-related information resources based at the Carvers' Companion web site. The addition of the Woodcarver List represents a significant additional time commitment. To help keep the other parts of the Carvers' Companion working properly, some changes are in order. First, I am pleased to announce that Mike Bloomquist will become the Senior Editor of Woodcarver Online Magazine. In that role, Mike will develop story ideas, write the occasional editorial and offer sage advice to continually improve WOM. He will, of course, continue his string of excellent book and DVD reviews. Second, to free up Mike for his new duties, Doug Evans has agreed to become Lead Editor for Notes From The Net. NFTN is the longest-running series in WOM, and we're thrilled to have Doug take over that feature. Third, as detailed elsewhere in this issue, four of the existing World Wide Woodcarver Exchanges have new Exchange Coordinators, who will handle day-to-day activities related to their exchanges. In addition, a fourth coordinator will handle a brand new exchange that will start after the first of the year. Finally, a group of long-time List members has agreed to become part of the Woodcarver List Advisory Team. They will offer advice on the future course of the Woodcarver List, including general policy, possible future activities and the financial model. You'll hear more about their activities in due course. Matt Kelley, Editor |
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