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The World Wide Woodcarver Exchanges (W3E) - Update

Spoon Exchange Coordinator Dr. Steven Brandt reports that Group 6 is forming and has room for three more carvers. If you have never carved a spoon you'll find them lots of fun, and good skill building experience.

The Bottlestopper exchange needs a few more carvers to fill Group 10, and Santa exchange Group 2 is just getting started with one carver registered. Bill Russell is the new coordinator for these two exchanges.

Friendship Cane exchange Group 16 is also several members away from filling. Vic Hamburger is the new coordinator of this exchange.

The as yet unnamed exchange to be coordinated by Jim Brumm is moving slowly toward open, while we work out the final details. Current plans call for the first group of four to carve a golf ball, spoon, pin and friendship cane segment in rotation. Timing (one a month or every two months) will be determined by the group members.

Watch WOM and your favorite mail list for more announcements as we move further along in this process.

A big thanks again to Steven, Bill, Vic and Jim for stepping up to keep these exchanges functioning.

Carve On!

Matt Kelley

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