Happy Santa
Richard Douglas (The Wildwood Carver)
Carved in lime (Tillia spp.) and painted in acrylics
Writes Richard: "From a famous poster by John Hassal promoting an English seaside resort; the original has a Jolly Fisherman skipping along a beach.
Santa is happy because he has finished delivering all his goodies and is on his way back to Lapland or wherever with his empty sack.
Smiling Santa
Corey Hallagan
~7 3/4 Inches
Basswood with Acrylic Paints, Boiled Linseed Oil and Satin Lacquer
From a rough out by Wayne Shinlever
Teri Embry
Cottonwood bark - 24 inches wide (4.5" high, 3.5" deep)
For a larger image click HERE
Reflections of the Soul |
Millard Harrell
Basswood, acrylic wash w/ Danish Oil
2 ½ x 2 ½ x 4
Original design
Shelfsitter Santa
Jim O'Harra
Basswood, acrylic washes, sealed with Minwax satin clear
Santa With Lantern
Marcia Berkall
Basswood with acrylics
~6 1/2” tall
Original design
Russ Scott
Basswood, Acrylics, and Wax
Original designs inspirted by vintage Christmas cards
Santa Ornament
Loren Woodard
Millard Harrell
Basswood, acrylic wash w/ Danish Oil
2 ½ x 2 ½ x 4
Original design