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Announcing Two New Exchanges

By Matt Kelley

At the suggestion of several long-time participants, we are today introducing two new additions to the World Wide Woodcarver family of exchanges. As many of you may know, the exchanges began some 13 years ago, with the first friendship cane segment group and first secret pal session, making the W3E the oldest continuing carving exchanges on the Internet.

The first new exchange, suggested by Steven Brandt, DDS, is the W3E Holiday Ornament Exchange. In this exchange, groups of six carvers will swap holiday season tree ornaments, shelf sitters, Santas, elves, etc, one carving every three months. This exchange will operate year-around, not just around the holiday season.

The second, suggested by Jim Brumm, is the W3E 4 By 4 Round Robin Exchange. Groups of four carvers will swap four carvings, one every other month, or at other intervals agreed between the group and exchange coordinator. The interesting twist is that the group will first carve a golf ball, then a spoon, a pin, and finally a friendship cane segment. The exchange coordinator, or the group, may set a common theme for each carving.

To register or learn more about these and the other W3E programs, point your web browser to carverscompanion.com and click on the W3E link. Once on the W3E main page, scroll down to the links for the new exchanges.


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