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The Feather Pin Contest Winner

Editor's Note:

In November 1997, Lloyd Cochran, of LaFayette, Georgia, decided to offer a small prize to attract people to his website. He promised to send one of his (apparently well-known) carved "feather pins" to the 1500th visitor to his site. It was interesting to watch the activity that followed on the WWWoodc@rver Mailing List as people flocked to his site to see if they were going to be the lucky person. I was #1539 :-(

Below you can see the results of this little promotional effort. It was fun and showed ingenuity on Lloyd's part, and for that we give him a "pat-on-the-back".

Now the Winner: Howard Abend


The Feather Pin

Subject: Re: Woodc@rver: web page # 1500
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997
From: "HowardA" <


I was the lucky number 1500 visitor! I would have enjoyed the visit even if I hadn't been, but the promise of a free carving made it all the sweeter. I took a screen shot of the page with the counter. If you would like to see proof, or there are other claimants, I will gladly send it along.

I look forward to seeing the pin.


Howard Abend