Woodcarver Ezine
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Carvers' Companion Gateway

Front Cover - March 1, 1999

by W.F. (Bill) Judt

Recent Polychromatic Low Reliefs
of Jacques Liseé

The Waitress

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Quiet Village 

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Editor's Note:

The carvings of Jacques Liseé are unusual in the fact that they are true relief carvings which are subsequently painted (polychromed) to offer results that combine the best of both mediums. Be sure to visit the Liseé website to learn more about this featured artist and his techniques. You may also wish to correspond with this carver/painter via email.

Comments from the Artist

I always carve in basswood. The thickness is 3/4 of an inch and the carving 1/2 an inch (deep). The most important in carving of low relief is a good idea and a very good drawing, well composed and balanced. When the carving is well executed, the color will double the depth effect. We don't need 1, 2 or 3 inches thickness. A carving that thick is too massive and the gallery does not like that.