This issue bring us half way through the third year of publication for the WWWoodcarver E-zine. What a joy this tiny little publication has been for me, and by the sounds of your letters, for so many of you also. The range of topics and the feast of delightful photos and useful diagrams does not cease to amaze me. With your help, in the form of encouragement and articles submitted for publication, this E-zine will enjoy a healthy and happy future.
There is a small bit of bad news that I have to share with you, however. I regret that the next scheduled issue of the WWWoodcarver E-zine will have to be delayed to September 1st, 1999. This means that there will not be a July 1st 1999 issue. The reason for this is that I, along with my family, will be moving to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (a.k.a. Sask-a-bush) during the month of June 1999, making it very difficult, and perhaps a little unreasonable for me to attempt to publish a regular bi-monthly issue for July 1st.
I intend to resume publishing the E-zine with the next scheduled issue on September 1st, 1999. This means that all of us, writers and readers both, will have the summer off to rest and relax, and your editor (me!) will have the chance to move a 1,000km (620 miles) to our new home, set up my new carving studio, renovate our new (older) home, and possibly even enjoy a few weeks at the lake with the family.
For our readers, this may be worse news than for our writers, who will undoubtably use the time to enjoy their summer in a relaxed fashion, and to create new and useful articles for our edification and enjoyment.
Our supporting advertisers will be happy to note that they will not be charged for the two month hiatus in publication of the E-zine. Their ads will remain online, along with the E-zine, until September, when the fourth issue of Volume 3 will be online, at which time the charges for their ads will resume, on a prorated basis, till the end of December.
One nice thing, though... the E-zine will remain accessible online while I and my family move. So will the Woodcarver Mailing List, which will not cease to operate even while I am "unconnected" from the net for about three days surrounding our move.
This is because both publications currently reside on a remote server in Pennsylvania, USA. When I am finally in Saskatoon, I will be able to easily reconnect to the internet (this time via CABLE MODEM!!!! Vrrroooom, Vrrroooom!!!) and resume the management of both the E-zine and the List. At that time I hope to be able to give you all the juicy details of our move, along with photos of the new "home base" for the E-zine and the List.
Till that time, please remember us in your prayers, enjoy the summer, and stay healthy.
God bless you all,
Bill Judt