Editor's Note: I am pleased to welcome "Ol' Don" Burgdorf as a regular contributor to the E-zine. Those of you who read Chip Chat's have seen his patterns before. Ol' Don's first pattern for the E-zine is entitled "Pensive Ponderer." To print the pattern, click here; the pattern will open in a new window, and should print on 8.5 x 11 paper. -Matt Kelley
"Ol' Don" Burgdorf is a carver and artist from Nashville, TN. Don's feature "Doodles 'n Notes for Carvin' Folks" appears regularly in Chip Chats, and his patterns will now be seen in the E-zine. His pattern portfolios will soon be released, and Don can provide custom patterns and caricatures from photographs. Some of Don's "Chattering Chippers" patterns can also be seen at the Woodcarver's Porch pattern page.
You are invited to visit Ol' Don's home page, or email him at ol'don@artofdon.com
This Pattern may be copied for individual use; reproduction for resale is prohibited without express written permission.