Division K: Fish Carving
Must be made entirely from wood (except where required for strength or support). Glass eyes are allowed but no plastic fins.
First in Class 1 (Open) and First in Division
Class 1 is realistic life-size
The Hiding Sport by Larry Burbidge of Beaverlodge,
In addition to the two main events, there are also two special divisions: cocktail carvings and the Ducks Unlimited purchase awards competition.
Cocktail Carvings
The three carvings, from left to right, are by Leroy Royer, Gerry Rahan and Meg Smart. They are two sandhill cranes and an owl. Unfortunately, I neglected to write down what the order of finish was. Leroy and Meg are from Saskatoon; Gerry is from Calgary. These carvings are auctioned off near the end of the show.
Division Y: Ducks Unlimited Purchase Award Competition
There are no experience levels in this competition.
First in Class 1 (Dabbling Ducks)
Hen Mallard by Leroy Royer of Saskatoon.
Leroy was chosen as this year's Ducks Unlimited
Sculptor of the Year based on last year's show.
First in Class 2 (Diving Ducks)
Redhead Drake by Leroy Royer
Second in Class 2
Female Bufflehead by Gary Rector of Saskatoon.
Once again, my apologies to the artists for not providing accurate color renditions of their excellent painting. I hope that you will be inspired by the work presented here to do your own fine work. Watch the events calendar in Chip Chats for next year's show dates. If you are anywhere near Saskatoon, it is well worth seeing.
Visit my website: http://members.home.net/r.gander