Looking for lots of FREE carving workshops, the companionship of other carvers, great music and a generally wonderful time? If so, look no further than the 2nd Annual Wood Carvers Roundup June 14-18, 2000 in Evart, located (more or less) in the center of the lower peninsula of Michigan.
Sponsored by the Chief Osceola Wood Carvers of Evart, and the West Michigan Wood Carvers of New Era, with help from the Happy Chippers of Hale, the Carvers Roundup is a very un-structured, no pressure, carefree carving event with no president, secretary, treasurer, chairman, and very few guidelines. No matter what your age, if you already carve, would like to improve on your skills, or would like to learn how, come for a few quiet days of wood carvers getting together to have a great time cutting up!! Visitors are welcome at any time during the Roundup.
Sharing ideas and techniques is the main focus of the Roundup with teaching and instruction totally volunteer. The only compensation instructions receive is the satisfaction of helping someone become a better carver. All volunteer workshop leaders are welcome.
Workshops will run 9:00AM to Noon-ish and 1:00 PM to 5:00-ish. If you would like to volunteer to be a workshop instructor, you may sign up when you arrive, and your workshop will be posted. Workshops schedules, posted daily, will be geared to projects that would not take over 3-6 hours to complete, although 2-3 day workshops are always welcome for more involved projects. The goal to provide you with a different choice for a workshop each day. Instruction will be free, but there may be a cost for materials. Many of the1999 instructors are returning this year.
The Wood Carvers Store will be an area for Roundup participants to display and sell their OWN blanks, cut-outs and finished carvings, with each carver responsible for their own items. The public is welcome at no charge, and will be able to join us or just browse, maybe even put knife to wood for the first time.
Non-carver activities will be planned just like the carving workshops. Here again, if you are a non-carver and have a craft project you would like to share, perhaps you could volunteer to lead a workshop in your expertise. You may charge a fee for your materials only, if needed. A list of non-carving activities will also be posted daily.
Camping: The Osceola 4-H & FFA Fairgrounds in Evart, will again be the host of the event. The only cost for the Roundup other than workshop supplies will be $10.00 per night if you arecamping. Campers will also have access to the fairgounds RV dump station at no cost. Conveniently located rest rooms and showers are available. Pets are permitted leashed or caged at campsites only. No reservations are necessary, and early-bird campers are welcome as camping is open all summer. The fairgrounds phone number is (231) 734-5481 for any questions about camping, or email fairman@tucker-usa.com. If you prefer not to camp, there are several motels, lake-side cabins and a B & B within a reasonable driving distance. A listing will be sent upon request.
Evening Activities:
Dulcimer Fun Fest: For the past 28 years the fairgrounds has been host each July to the Dulcimer Fun Fest, presented by the Original Dulcimer Players Club. The Funfest is the largest hammered dulcimer gathering east of the Mississippi. Keeping this area's rich musical interest in mind, you are also invited to bring any acoustic instruments you play and join in a wood carvers jam (or two or three.) To top off the Roundup, Saturday evening there will be a mini-concert-jam for everyone featuring all the carver musicians and others. Remember, we are here to HAVE FUN, so talent is not a requirement! Sunday morning there will be a hymn-sing with the musicians. The extinguishing the Roundup campfire around noon will finish the Wood Carvers Roundup for 2000.
Breakfast: Thursday morning, June 15th from 7-9 AM, the Evart Chamber of Commerce is welcoming the woodcarvers to Evart with a complimentary Continental Breakfast for everyone attending the Wood Carvers Roundup. The breakfast will be held at the Trailway Community Room in the Depot just south of the light on US10.
Vendors include LeatherPlus, owned by Chief Osceola member Margaret Joslin, will return again with their complete line of wood carving supplies for your carving needs. You may now order your "Leather Plus" carving supplies online (visit the Ezine Gateway page for a link to LeatherPlus.)
For more information about the 2nd Annual Woodcarvers Roundup, visit the Roundup web site by clicking HERE.
or e-mail:
Sandy Holder: roundup@netonecom.net or telephone 231-734-5125
Virginia Huffman: roselady@netonecom.net or telephone 231-734-9131