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JUNE 14-17, 2000

"We're just a bunch of cut ups!!"

The Wood Carvers Roundup in Evart, Michigan started as an idea to create a place for wood carvers and would-be carvers from all over the country to meet others who enjoyed the same hobby, craft or art (your choice) and be able to share ideas and techniques without worrying about how much it would cost. Every attendee went home with something new they had learned and many went home as wood carvers even though that had been the furthest thing from their mind. All went home with new friends.

Workshops started Wednesday morning and by the end of Saturday over 300 carvers attended 30 different workshops led by over 30 volunteer workshop leaders. All instruction was free and the only cost would have been the blank used in the workshop. There was no need to sign up ahead of time; carvers just checked the poster in the morning, chose the class they wanted and went to the class. When finished and if there was time they could then go on to another one.

Some of the many workshop choices were

Chain Saw Carving with Norm Kandow and his daughter Debi gave all would-be chain saw carvers a chance to try their skills when they brought their own chain saw. That's student Bill Stevens working on his carving, with Norm in the background.

Each day Willy McDonald of the Duckblind showed everyone how to carve a working duck decoy and then demonstrated how to air brush the finished bird.

Chip carving was introduced to everyone by Andrew Luckhardt, Clyde Ferguson, and Bob Brooks. That's Andy with a class on the left.

Jack Miller from Hanover PA came all this way to show how to carve an Old World Santa. He even ran out of blanks but thanks to a donated band saw he was able to continue his workshop.

Floyd Rhadigan's charicature workshop again filled his tables every day.

Rod Walker's class powercarving a trout.

Making Sumac branch flowers with Roger Horton

There were many more workshops to choose from and those who didn't carve had a great time taking in the workshops for the non-carvers. Even the kids had a great time when given the chance to carve a masterpiece from a bar of soap.

The Roundup is a place where you can check out a little bit of all types of carving by trying something you have never done before. All workshops are open to everyone.

Our carving club gallery now has three 18" x 24" carved plaques of their logos. Any club with members attending may carve and hang a plaque with their name and location; these will be on permanent display inside the 4H Exhibit building in the fairgrounds.

LeatherPlus Carving Supplies kept everyone well furnished with an abundant choice of carving needs. One fellow swore that they hid a huge magnet behind the counter because every time he went by it just pulled all the money out of his pocket! It gave all the new carvers a chance to acquire the needed tools to get started on the right foot. Of course with all those knives around we just had to have someone there like Bill Mills to keep them all sharp and easy to use.

A plentiful lunch was provided each day by the Evart Lion Club, there were free concerts to attend downtown and wood carver musician concert-jams each evening along with the Carving Singers (audience). A complimentary continental breakfast was offered to the wood carvers by the Evart Chamber of Commerce.

Naturally there was the occasional Ooo-Boo that you just couldn't keep to yourself, (someone always spread the word) everyone had to know, so then you would get the Ooo-Boo pin award of that little red drop of something every carvers has lots of.

With all the rain the week of the Roundup we had a heck of a time keeping the Roundup campfire burning, you know we can't let it go out till Sunday morning after the traditional hymn sing. With everyone's help it kept burning. 36 diffenent carving clubs were represented from over 10 states. Over 90 camping units camped on the Fairgrounds,

The Friday Afternoon Carvers

This Roundup went by without a hitch thanks to all the many volunteers that kept things going. Without them we would not have one because as you can see it is a totally volunteer event. Hip Hooray!!

We hope the next Roundup June 13-17, 2001 is in your next summer's plans, "WE'LL KEEP THE CAMPFIRE ON FOR YA!"

For more information about the Woodcarvers Roundup, visit the Roundup web site by clicking HERE. or e-mail:
Sandy Holder: roundup@netonecom.net or telephone 231-734-5125
Virginia Huffman: roselady@netonecom.net or telephone 231-734-9131