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Gathering of Wood:

The 2000 Doane Experience
By Marty Springer


The Mid-America Woodcarvers Association, Inc. is the sponsor of "The Doane Experience". Doane refers to an annual woodcarvers school, more like a college for woodcarvers.  Usually the first week of August woodcarvers from twenty seven states and Canada come to this small College of Doane in Crete, Nebraska.  Woodcarvers fill the college with over three hundred students and twenty five instructors.

The variety of these one week classes are the main attraction, but you can't fault the low cost either.  These instructors  don't charge for their time, but they charge a fee for the class project.  Some of these nationally known carvers, like Kirt Curtis, Phil Bishop, Carlan Honaker, Dave Rushlo and Dave Stetson come year after year. With twenty five classes being offered there is something for everyone.

You can also meet some on-line celebrities like Len Dillon, Larry Yudis (Big Dog), and Slim (Woodshed) Maroushek.

Bird carving, Chip carving, Caricature carving, Human masks, Wildlife carving and woodburning are samples of some of the classes being offered.  Carvers take time from their intensive instruction to wander into other classes. It is a good idea to visit other classes and see what else is offered; then you can get an idea what to take next year.

All visitors are welcome; Instructors take the time to greet guests without too much interruption to the class.

The overall impression of carvers that have taken a class is..."It is an experience".

This was my third year at Doane and my second year with Marty Dolphens class, the Human Mask.  I had never attempted this type of carving before and was pleased with the instruction and with the final product. We carved a U.S. Calvary soldier and a Plains Indian. Everyone else in the class came away with a carving to be proud of.

Marty Springer's projects from Doane 2000


Just look at the following images from the workshop and see the excitement and plan to join in the experience next year.

Anyone interested in joining can write to Mid-America Woodcarvers Association, Inc  P.O. Box 31352  Omaha, Nebraska  68131. Address your letter to the attention of Ken Armsbury or Sherry La Tendresse.  

Doane 2000 Gallery

Photographs copyright 2000 Marty Springer

Phil Bishop

Carlan Honaker


Kurt Curtis

Linda Landenberg Curtis

Marty Dolphines

Sheila Hunter

Keith Morrill

Dave Rushlo

Vic Schoonover

Steve Schumacher

Dave Stetson

 To see more images from Doane 2000, click here to visit Marty Springer's home page.