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Making a Brown Trout Stick, Part 9


Finally after the painting is finished the stick should be varnished to protect the stick from the elements and the painting from wearing away with use. I use a quick drying polyurethane water based varnish, applying three or four very fine coats until I obtain the desired finish.


The finished stick! I made it for a tall man and with these sticks they are used rather like a hiking stick with the hand grasping the shaft. This means that when walking over rough terrain ones hand can slide up or down the shaft to maintain support. Also if the stick reaches to the mid chest of a person then it can be used to lean on when resting to take some of the weight off one's feet.

From this . . . .

. . . . this in eight easy lessons

Photographs and accompanying text copyright Wil Laidler, 2000

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