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War Eagle Seminar 2001
by Greg Wilkerson


This past month I was priviledged to instruct at the annual War Eagle Seminars held in Hindsville, Arkansas at the site of the historic War Eagle Mill. This was my 4th year as an instructor at this exciting woodcarving event. The seminars are held each year during the first two weeks of June, and are sponsored by the Ozarks Arts & Crafts Fair Association under the direction of Shirley Sutton.

I taught during the second week along with some of the finest woodcarving instructors in the country. How humbling and inspiring it was to be instructing with the likes of Harold Enlow, Phil Bishop, Bobby Thurman, Ron Wells, & Steve Brown, just to name a few. The first week included other top notch instructors, such as Janet Cordell, Stu Martin, Bob Munroe, Dan Cahill, and Carol Jean Boyd.

In addition to woodcarving, there were classes in painting, antler carving, and many other types of arts and crafts.

The seminars are held outdoors under several tents. Although the weather can be trying at times, the enthusiasm of both the students and the instructors never seems to diminish. The weather this year was wonderful! Monday was a little on the warm side but the breezes seemed to increase as needed to counteract it. My wife and son and I stayed at the Hideaway campground, as did many of the other students and instructors. At night we gathered under the pavillion to visit, tell lies, and even carve some.

One night Harold Enlow treated us to a slide show of some of his carvings, as well as carving by others carvers he and Elaine have collected through the years. It was a great time, as Harold is quite the storyteller (but an even better carver).

All in all this is a great place to go for woodcarvers. I have enjoyed getting to know some of the carvers whom I admire, getting reaquainted with old friends, and making new ones.

See pictures of War Eagle Seminar 2001 at Greg Wilkerson's web site at www.wilkersonwoodcarving.com. Once there, click on the Newsletter link, but be sure to visit the rest of Greg's web site.

The War Eagle Seminar begins on the first Monday of June each year. Top quality instructors are recruited as faculty. Students enrolled in the two week woodcarving course apply for and are assigned to a different instructor for each week. The cost for a two week course (10 days of instruction) $140.00. A one week course costs$88.00, but one week courses may be combined with another one week course to obtain the $140 rate.

If you are interested in attending War Eagle 2002, you may contact Shirley Sutton at:

Phone: 501-789-5398 or visit their web site at: www.wareaglefair.com