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Report from the Third Annual Wood Carvers Roundup

Evart, Michigan, June 13-17 2001

By Sandy Holder <roundup@netonecom.net>


The third annual Wood Carvers Roundup was even bigger and better than last year. Over 400 carvers participated in more than 36 different workshops that included everything from miniature totem poles to turtles. Wood burning and chain saw carving were also among the many different kinds of workshops held. We also had many other craft type workshops including a Quilters Korner to occupy family members not into carving. Folks from as far away as Georgia and Florida came and carved, visited and exchanged ideas and patterns. Some drove in for just a day or two, and over 140 campers stayed right at the fairgrounds.

The Roundup project this year was in the form of an international wood carvers quilt. Each participant was able to purchase a $1 quilt block to be carved and finished any way they choose, and brought back next year when they return. The block will be assembled into a carvers quilt to be on permanent display in the exhibit building of the fairgrounds. Each block is five inches square and choice of from 3/4" to 1-1/2" thick. Over 100 blocks were sold and we already have 2 returned and placed in the frame.



Exhibit Building with the Quilt frame


One evening Dayle Lewis from Richmond, Indiana demonstrated his skill at chain saw art. When finished there appeared a 6-foot wizard, which he created from a huge log furnished by the city of Evart. The wizard is now the Keeper of the Fairgrounds as Dayle donated the carving to the facility.



This is a totally volunteer event geared to promote wood carving skills from the beginner to those more accomplished. Thanks to all of the volunteers there is no admission or instruction cost except for workshop materials. As long as we have volunteers willing to share their time and knowledge we will hold this event for years to come.


More pictures of the 2001 Roundup can be found at http://www.woodcarversroundup.com.

The Forth Annual Roundup is June 12-15, 2002. We'll Keep the Campfire on for Ya!

Sandy Holder
is a carousel carver and hammer duclimer player. You may visit her web site at http://user.netonecom.net/~civildee/