This is an invitation for all bird carvers and enthusiasts to join the Bird Carvers Online Community at This friendly online community has a great Chat Room with regularly scheduled chats like Talk with the Pros, tons of shop talk posted in the main Discussion Forum, F.A.Q. postings and transcripts from our chat sessions, event listings, free online seminars, featured Bird of the Month, carving news, announcements, fun stuff & humor section and BCO Community Schedules.
As a member, you can post free Classified Ads to sell carvings or used tools, etc. You can post a URL to your own website or auction site where you sell your carvings. Members will also find numerous wildfowl carving resources and photo references among the URLs posted within BCO. There are also many other neat ways to discuss and share information about wildfowl carving and painting among our community forums and chats.
Members will find BCO very organized and archived and will also have freedom to post almost anywhere. You gain added privileges and rankings as you become more active and involved with the community. There will always be nice prizes to be won. If you have a specialty field, you can be a Monitor of your own discussion board on that topic, or host of a Talk with the Pros session. It will be, within organizational guidelines, your place, your community, to develop and assist in drawing more and more information about our passion, wildfowl carving.
For fun and to encourage activity, every month BCO will run some type of contest, so be sure to look for these contests and get in your entries. There will be some very nice prizes given away each month. The more you participate in posing questions and in discussions, the more you gain points for member rankings and increase your probability of winning occasional raffles and contests.
I am sure you will find this community both useful and fun. It will provide you, the bird carver, another way to interact with other carvers and keep in touch with new developments in ornithology and this unique carving field. It's all do-it-yourself, so you can post your own topics and replies. Post anything you think will help your fellow member with his or her carving. Ask anything you feel unsure about or have difficulties with in your own skill development process.
We have fun, learn & share. Be sure to read Registration Instructions and participate in the door prize contests found there after you register. To join the Bird Carvers Online Community now click HERE.
If I may be of service in any way, please call on me.
Vic Kirkman
Vic Kirkman is a professional wildfowl carvers and teacher.
You may visit Vic's web site at