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Ian Norbury's Carving Uncle Sam CD

Ian Norbury's Carving Uncle Sam CD is now available and may be ordered from Ian's website. The interactive CD (which will be reviewed in the next issue of WOM) contains over 70 videos and dozens of detailed stills which take the reader step by step through the entire process of making the stern looking Uncle Sam. The CD includes printable plans, a complete tool list and free technical support for the more technically-challenged computer user.

The special introductory price for Ian Norbury's new CD is $15US or £10UK. The special price is available for a short time and only through Norbury's web site HERE.

Editor's Note: The Carving Uncle Sam CD was conceived almost a year ago and has been promoted on Norbury's web site since August. In light of the events of September 11th, Ian and his family have decided to donate all profits from Carving Uncle Sam to the New York City Fireman's Relief Fund.