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Reflections of Nature 2001

Page 2


Ducks Unlimited Special Awards

Each year Ducks Unlimited sponsors several special competitions. This year the Special Sculptor Award was for the best mallard drake. They also have a Sculptor of the Year Award. Both these were won by Harvey Welch. Lastly there is a cocktail carving competition.

Mallard Drake by Harvey Welch, Saskatoon, SK

Ducks Unlimited Special Sculptor Award

This is a miniature flat-bottom bird without a base. Another masterful job done by Harvey.


Loon by Harvey Welch, Saskatoon, SK

Ducks Unlimited Sculptor of the Year


Black Necked Stilt
by Leroy Royer

First in Ducks Unlimited Cocktail Carving


Event #2 - Wildlife Sculpture

Division E: Realistic Wood Sculpture

There are two classes in this division: i) Painted and ii) Natural

Sea Lion
by Byron Crabb
Moose Jaw, SK

First in Class and Division Open

Byron is probably best known for his antler and stone carvings. It was great to have him to do some work in wood, so that I could include it here. I am not sure what the wood is, but it was the end of a badly checked log. For the base, he left the checks as is, but for the sea lion, he filled the checks with a contrasting material.

Byron also had a bull moose in the Painted class. I was greatly impressed by his habitat. Unfortunately the photo did not work out.


Fox by Robert Farthing, Saskatoon, SK

Best of Show Intermediate

This is carved in butternut with an oil finish.


Division H: Relief (All Media)

There are two classes in this division: i) Antler and ii) Wood and Miscellaneous

The Getaway by Hammond Maurille, Shaunavon, SK

First in Class and Division Intermediate

These two white tail deer were carved in the end grain of a slab of basswood. The detail and texturing were very impressive. The noses and eyes were painted, but the rest was left natural with what I assume is an oil finish.

Division 4: Fish Carving

There are two classes in this division: i) Realistic Lifesize and ii) Realistic Miniature (max 8" tip-to-tip)

Rainbow Trout by Carl Robblec, Swan River, Manitoba

First in Class and Division Open

This was a full size fish going after a bloodsucker on a rock just in front of it. Both the fish and the habitat were very well done in terms of shape, texture and painting.