The Caricature Carvers of America are dedicated to the promotion of caricature carving as an art form.
One current project to support that goal and to begin a permanent collection of carvings by CCA members is the Signature Collection. The collection is available for viewing as an electronic book on the CCA web site. (Link at the bottom of this page.)
Unlike CCA's previous projects, the goal of the Signature Collection was to have each carver execute a piece that best demonstrated their own personal carving style. The only limitation was the establishment of a maximum size of 4" x 4" x 12". As you might expect, the results are wildly different!
There is a chapter in the book for each of the currently active members. The chapters include photos of the projects, as well as a discussion of the individual carver's design approach, methods and finishes. Just as the results vary, so too do the approaches and methods.
You can spend a couple of delightful hours reviewing each chapter, and it is well worth the time. You may want to consider down loading the book, so you may review it without tying up the phone line.
The hypertext format, by the way, is well done, easy to use and works nicely. The only addition I might like to see would be links to larger views of the carvings.
The book is free if you view on line, but if you download a copy, CCA is requesting a $2 donation to help defray publication costs, (Personally, I think it's worth more, so I'm going to send along ten bucks and a note of thanks.)
CCA's newest venture is A Cast of Characters, a collection of 24 castings from carvings done from a 2" x 2" x 4" block. Casting and sales will be handled by Chris Hammack of S&W Castings. Watch the CCA home page for more news.
Finally, just a reminder about the National Caricature Carving Competition and Exhibit, scheduled for September 7 through October 26, 2002. The event is jointly sponsored by Silver Dollar City and the Caricature Carvers of America. Carvings entered in the contest are due at Silver Dollar City between July 12 and August 12, 2002.
For more information and an application, visit the CCA home page.
Visit the CCA home page HERE.