Heather Long
Heather Long is from Wapella,Illinois. Her
carving of the Illinois State Seal won Best of Show and Peoples
Choice at The Rock River Carvers Show held in February of 2002.
Heather is a very talented young lady, having only been carving
less then 3 years. She also does pencil art of wildlife. Heather
is a member of Cornbelt Carving Club of Bloomington,Illinois.
Lyn Meehan
Visit Lyn's photo album at http://www.picturetrail.com/carvinglyn
Marilyn Osterhouse
I started carving about 12 years ago while we were down near McAllen, TX. We then retired in Arkansas and belonged to a large club there and did quite a bit of teaching of chip carving and relief carving. After I lost my husband in 1996 I decided to move back near my family in Michigan in 2000. I still belong to a club here but a very small one.
Donna Menke
As a child growing up in Massachusetts I loved to play in the woodworking shops that my father and grandfather had. I tried my hand at wood carving, but using an X-acto knife and Balsa wood led to many disappointments. I grew up trying all types of media for artistic expression, and I liked them all; but it wasn't until a few years ago when I tried woodcarving with the correct tools and the correct wood that I found my favorite- wood.
I work at the Austin, Texas Woodcraft store where constant contact with other woodworkers tends to keep my interest high. I have a web site that shows most all of my work. Please take a look and drop me a note telling me what you think. www.geocities.com/donpbk/woodworks-by-donna.html
Maricha Oxley
Maricha, who lives in Australia, is a self taught woodsculptor/carver. She began carving in the early 1980's. Some of Maricha's first influences were from the people who wrote articles and had photos of their work and projects in the magazines "The Mallet" and "ChipChats". The books and letters of E. J. Tangerman were of great influence and inspiration. The articles by Ivan Whillock in "The Mallet", "ChipChats" and "Creative Woodworks & Crafts" as well as his own books, have also been influential. A few years ago Maricha attended two of Ian Norbury's workshops.
Far Left: The Angel Goddess uniting all the ethnic people of Australia - holds the melting pot with 50 flags of countries of origin. The base depicting magazines and books is symbolic of expressing the people's needs and wishes. The broken chain (Australian crabapple timber) symbolizes the Australian convict period, breaking free. The Goddess is on top of Uluru (Ayers Rock) the Aboriginal place of many things such a fertility and burial sites. Finally the base is the map of Australia.
Left: A Cuddle
Timber: Blue Gum - Size: 20" high x 4"
x 4"
Inspired by Maricha's granddaughter who often says, "Grandma
I need a cuddle!"
Maricha Oxley
The Kiss
Netsuke - Timber: Mulga - Size: 1 1/2" high
See more of Maricha's work at http://www.oldjoe.org/MarichaOxley.html
Ainslie Pyne
Ainslie is another carver from "Down Under." She has carved professionally for a number of years and taught classes during a 1998 trip across the United States.
Far Left: The
crest I carved as I travelled the United States in 1998 - folk
might like to see the finished piece. It is 28 inches high - carved
from huon pine laminated to size left unpainted so the client,
Prince George de Montis Regalis, could
paint it.
Left: A small devil carved on a replacement violin neck in lieu of the traditional scroll. The timber is sycamore with thinned artist oils to just stain the figure slightly.
Ainslie Pyne
Left: A 80 cm dia. Queensland maple plaque which is hanging in the Officers Mess of the Kokoda Barracks in Brisbane. This piece of maple was carved the wrong way - ie with the grain running vertically which meant that all the cleaning up of the undercut areas such as below the boomerang and the eagle's wings meant dealing with cross grain. Our Queensland maple is not a true "maple" but was named by the early settlers because the grain was very similar. This piece was really hard with a distinct "fiddleback" to contend with!