Woodcarvers will have an additional print resource when a new woodcarving magazine joins the two existing North American woodcarving publications. The new publication will be entitled CARVING Magazine and will be available January 2003.
CARVING Magazine will be edited by Marnie Whillock, owner of Marnie Whillock Associates. Of the forthcoming publication, Marnie writes:
CARVING will be full-color and very reader-oriented. We will feature many reader-requested projects, tips and techniques. We will strive to offer something for every carver - beginners to experienced as well as every type of carving that I hear people are interested in. We will include interesting features, step-by-step projects, patterns and lots of high-quality gallery photos. One feature (that I'm keeping secret 'cause it's so cool) is something you've never seen in another magazine!
Another feature will be "Carvers' Conversations". This section will ask a stimulating question in one issue and publish some of the interesting answers in the next issue.
A unique section - "Carvers' Marketplace" - will offer suggestions on how to sell your art - I'd like to publish suggestions from you - please send them in. Next to this section, we will feature a low-cost display advertising section for you. It will include full color ads featuring your carvings, prices, name, - anything you'd like.
There are more surprises, too --- but you'll have to wait for the magazine! (Well, maybe not - you want hints? OK - OK) Look for features/photo galleries by Ivan Whillock, Joe Dillett, Pete Ortel, Pete LeClair, Dennis Moor, Marv Kaisersatt, Greg Wilkerson, Bill Judt, Nairi Safaryan, and others are all in the works!
We will also offer the first copy of our magazine FREE to anyone who wants to see it. If you want to subscribe after that - there will be information on how to do that in the first issue. If you want to be put on the list for the free issue - just send me your address privately. Your name will not be put on any other mailing lists - this is a one time mailing. If you would like a full box of the first issue sent to your club - just send me that info.
It is my ultimate goal to offer what carvers want to read. Please feel free to contact me anytime with project and article ideas, creative tips, comments - positive or negative, questions you'd like answered ... anything you think of will be important to us.
CARVING Magazine will be released 4 times a year beginning in January 2003 - and have 100 full color pages.
Questions or queries? Fee free to contact Marnie Whillock at <marniew@chartermi.net>
Subscriptions for CARVING Magazine will run as follows:
$19.95/yr United States -
$23.95/yr Canadian -
$25.95/yr Overseas -
All prices in US currency.
Mail your subscription to:
All American Crafts, Inc.
Attn: Robert Becker
243 Newton-Sparta Road
Newton, NJ 07860