Woodcarver Ezine
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Welcome to the September/October 2002 Issue of WOM


Friends in Wood - Welcome to Woodcarver Online Magazine, the on-line magazine for and by woodcarvers.

At this writing, we are several weeks past the first anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Ken Boshell's Eagle carving is featured on the Front Page in this issue as a small tribute to the many heros that emerged thereafter - the ordinary people who did such extrodinary things.

Coming Up - 100,000 Visitors

With this edition, WOM is just one more issue away from completing six years of publication. Sometime shortly after I announce this issue, the WOM gateway page will receive it's 100,000th visitor - quite an accomplishment for a small bimonthly ezine with a very targeted readership. If you were that lucky visitor, and happened to take a screen shot of the gateway page, please send it along. (Remember, the WOM web server will not count consecutive visits from the same computer.)

Thanks once more to Bill Judt for starting the Ezine, and agreeing to pass it on to me for care and feeding. Thanks also to the contributors, sponsors and readers who make this all possible.

In This Issue

This one should likely be subtitled "The Mike Bloomquest Issue." Through a happy coincidence of timing, this issue we feature three articles from Mike's prolific hands: A recap of his carving class with Ian Norbury, and reviews of carving CD's by Norbury and Greg Wilkerson.

Also included in this issue:

I am happy to welcome Wood Carver Supply, Inc to the family of sponsors of WOM. Wood Carver Supply is the sole USA supplier of Ian Norbury CD's as well as a complete line of wood carving tools and supplies. Please give their web site a visit.

In the next issue due out November 10th:

Enjoy this issue of WOM, and please remember, when looking for tools, supplies and books, visit the WOM sponsors first. Click on the icons at the top of the Index frame.

Matt Kelley, Editor