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Welcome to the January/February 2003 Issue of WOM


Friends in Wood -

Welcome to Volume 7 Issue 1 of Woodcarver Online Magazine, the on-line magazine for and by woodcarvers, now in it's seventh year of service.

In This Issue

The Caricature Carvers of America sponsored the first Caricature Carving Competition at Silver Dollar City. This issue is chock-a-block with images of that competition, including:

These Competition articles are the largest collection of photos in WOM since the Celtic Art issue, and a considerable amount of work was required to prepare all the images for this issue. Some of the images will take a while to load, but you will certainly find them worth the wait.

Special thanks to the photographers that supplied the images:


Also included in this issue:


Scheduled for the next issue, due out about March 10th:

A Review of Carving Found Wood

A visit to the Trolls of Mount Horeb

Matt Kelley, Editor