Friends in Wood -
Welcome to Volume 7 Issue 2 of Woodcarver Online Magazine, the on-line magazine for and by woodcarvers, now in it's seventh year of service.
I am pleased to welcome The Woodcraft Shop as the newest sponsor of WOM. Owners Carol and Larry Yudis have been providing quality tools, books, supplies and service to woodcarvers for 22 years. Their support of the woodcarving community is greatly appreciated.
In This Issue
The Trolls of Mount Horeb, carved by Mike Feeney, are like none others. Matt Kelley paid them a visit last May, and you can tag along on the tour of the TrollWay.
Alex Bisso reports on the 2002 West Yellowstone Fish Carvers Rendezvous; news of the 2003 Rendezvous is included.
Also in this issue:
Scheduled for the next issue, due out about May 10th:
A Review of Carving Found Wood
Matt Kelley, Editor