Friends in Wood -
Welcome to Volume 7 Issue 4 of Woodcarver Online Magazine, the on-line magazine for and by woodcarvers, now in it's seventh year of service.
We are well into the summer vacation time here in North America; I hope you are finding time to get away and do a little carving.
Vanity license plates are now available in many states; but I haven't seen any vanity plates relating to woodcarving. If you have a woodcarving themed plate, send along a photo and if there are enough submissions we'll put together a gallery for the Sept/Oct issue. Photos should be sent to vanity If you have only a hardcopy photo, please contact me at the same email addy for a mailing address.
Carving Galleries will be featured in the next two issues of WOM:
Look for information on submitting entries elsewhere in this issue of WOM.
Don't forget that August 15, 2003 is the 6th annual World Wide Woodcarvers Day. That's a good day to share the magic of woodcarving with someone new.
Larger poster HERE. Feel free to duplicate to help promote woodcarving.
In This Issue
Carve On, Friends - Matt Kelley, Editor