Woodcarver Ezine
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Upcoming Gallerys in WOM

Friends in Wood -

Photo Galleries are a recurring feature in WOM, but are only possible with your participation. Here's information of several upcoming galleries.

Vanity Plate Gallery

Do you have a woodcarving related vanity plate on your car or truck? If so, we'd like to have a photo of your plate for a possible future gallery. Send photos (or questions) to this email addy only: vanityplate@carverscompanion.com

Autumn "Greenman" Gallery

Many of us carve Greenmen (and Greenwoman), but how many of us have carved one of the leafy people in fall colors? If you have a fall color greenman, we're collecting photos for a gallery in the Sept/Oct issue of WOM.

Havn't every carved an Autumnman? Well, you've got lots of time; submissions are due by August 30, 2003. Please send photos (or questions) to autumnman@carverscompanion.com.

Annual Santa Gallery

The Nov/Dec issue of WOM will once again feature a Santa gallery. Submissions are due by Holloween. Send photos (or questions) to santa2003@carverscompanion.com