The Southeastern Woodcarving School has been sponsored by P. M.Chippers Woodcarving Club each July since 1986. More information HERE
The Festival will celebrate carving with displays, demonstrations, mini-classes and lots of camaraderie! It also celebrates the 30th year that Ivan Whillock Studio has been in existence! Admission will be free; lots of free parking.
The instructors for the mini-seminars include:
Marv Kaisersatt, Joe Dillett, Ev Ellenwood, Fred & Elaine
Stenman, Sally & David Nye, Bob Mau, Gen Jansen, Sandie Roosa,
Ol' Don Burgdorf, Walt Grittner, Chris Howard and Chris Whillock.
All of these instructors will be also be offering free demonstrations
throughout the weekend.
Vendors include Stubai Direct, Marnie Whillock Associates, Carving Magazine, Larry and Carol from The Woodcraft Shop and John Krantz wood sales.
The festival will also included a benefit auction for the Marnie Whillick medical expense fund. Donated carvings will be sold during a silent auction. Some of those carvings will also be posted on eBay two weeks before the event so everyone has a chance to bid on them. There will be a computer set up at the festival for those of who want to bid on those items. Both the eBay auction and the silent auction will end at the same time - Sunday at 4:00 pm.
Donations of carvings may be sent to Joe Dillett at The Carving Shop in Somonauk, IL Joe and WOM Editor Matt Kelley have also been receiving Friendship cane segments that will be assembled into finished canes and included in the auction. For more information or to donate a carving or cane segment contact Matt Kelley at editorATcarverscompanionDOTcom
The Conference will feature a Carving Competition
with over $4,500 in prizes and awards and centered this year on
Beginners, Novice, Intermediate and Youth carvers.
The 3-Day Conference also features 68 One-Hour Seminars by 16
of the North America's top carving personalities. People like:
Neil Cox, Roger Schroeder, Marv Kaisersatt, Glenn McMurdo, Ivan
Whillock, Eldon Humphreys, David Bennett, Pete LeClair, Marnie
Whillock and more
Additional Demonstrations and Exhibits will feature manufacturer representatives, 11 Carving Instructors, 3 Chainsaw Carvers, a Totem Pole Carver and more. People like: Peter Ortel, George Wickham, The Wood Carving Illustrated Road Show, National Woodcarving School
Included in the conference activities will be an a silent auction to benefit the Marnie Whillock medical expense fund. Carvers have been sending many wonderful carving to Dennis More for the auction; to view photos of the carvings and more information on the auction click the linke below.
The one day session will feature mini workshops taught by 10-12 CCA instructors. The 2004 instructors for the three-day seminar will be Marv Kaisersatt, Gary Batte, and Pete LeClair.
The one-day mini workshop session will be priced at $75. The three-day session is $135. The mini session will be held on Sunday, September 26, and will be followed by the three-day session on Monday through Wednesday, September 27-29. Students enrolling in both sessions (one-day mini workshops and three-day regular seminar) will receive a $30 discount
More seminar information may be found HERE
Why Extreme Caricature carving? Because the carving must depict one of the following Extreme Sports;
Caricature Carvers of America members Marv Kaisersatt and Bob Travis will serve as judges, conduct demonstrations and have carvings on display.
For more information and complete rules visit the WoodBee Carvers website by clicking HERE
12th Annual Conewago Carvers' Wood Carving and Wildlife Art Show at the East Berlin Area Community Center, Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Donation $3.00; children 12 and under free. Includes silent auction and door prizes. Guest artist - Jack Kochan. Contact John Lovett, e-mail or Ed Bolt, 717-352-3006, e-mail
Information for inclusion in Roadtrips, Happenin's and Going's-on should be directed to: