The Woodcarver was created by CCA to support Marnie
Whillock's health care health fund. Most of the carving community
is aware that Marnie is dealing with important health issues at
present. She is a single mom, a small business owner, and does
not have health insurance. This original, one-of-a-kind carving
entitled "The Woodcarver" will be sold on the internet
auction site eBay. The carving will be listed on Sunday, May 1,
and will close on Sunday, May 8. All proceeds will go to Marnie's
The Woodcarver was designed by CCA member Phil Bishop. We divided Phil's design into eight separate body parts, each carved by a different CCA member. Marv Kaisersatt carved the head and Harold Enlow provided the torso. Gary Batte carved the left arm and Eldon Humphreys did the right arm. The hands were carved by Dave Stetson (right) and Jack Williams (left). Gerald Sears carved the left leg and Bob Travis contributed the right leg. In addition to the original design, Phil Bishop built the workbench, and the partially finished carving sitting atop. Dogs were contributed by Tom Wolfe (hound dog on the floor) and David Boone (black dog on the shelf). The "carving idea machine", a must for every carving studio, was provided by Cleve Taylor and Vic Otto. The mallet tools, calipers, and carving arm are the work of Doug Raine, and the saws were contributed by Keith Morrill. The palm tools, complete with faces, were the brainchild of Pete LeClair. The completed Wizard carving and the roughout of same were carved by Joe You. And finally, Randy Landen assembled the body parts, designed and constructed the studio, and painted the whole mess. Basswood blocks on bench shelf, wood chips, and the mouse in the wall were just an afterthought!
Mark you calendar for the Sunday, May 1, 2005 listing on eBay. This will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase a unique woodcarving by the Caricature Carvers of America. Also included with the carving will be the original 8.5" x 11," fully detailed color pattern by Phil Bishop. The pattern is autographed by Phil and is suitable for framing. The names of CCA participants in the carving are listed on the back wall of the studio.
REALLY LARGE version: click
photo at left.
Caution: Do Not Attempt This At Home without a broadband connection or lots of time!