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CCA Dollywood 2005 Seminars

By Bob Travis

The 2004 Caricature Carvers of America Dollywood workshop is history, but the memories of a great time had by all still linger. If you participated in our workshop last year, or if you want to get involved this year, now is the time to take action.

The 2005 workshop will begin on Sunday, September 25, with one day of mini-seminars presented by nine CCA instructors. Mini seminars are offered in groups of five concurrent presentations in four 90 minute sessions. Each seminar is repeated at least twice during the day. Students may take up to four of the nine seminars. Topics will include tool sharpening, developing an idea, painting, and various aspects of caricature carving with emphasis on facial features. Total enrollment will be limited to 40 students. Instructors will include: Phil Bishop, Tom Brown, Eldon Humphries, Pete LeClair, Keith Morrill, Gerald Sears, Cleve Taylor, Joe You, and Tom Wolfe.

The mini-seminars are priced at $75. The fee includes passes to the Dollywood Theme Park for the carver and spouse and parking in the employee parking lot.

The three-day workshop session will be held on Monday through Wednesday, September 26-28. Students will carve one day each with Phil Bishop, Pete Ortel, and Harley Schmitgen. Total enrollment will be limited to 39 students. Daily sessions will not exceed 13 students per instructor.

The regular three-day workshop session is priced at $135. The fee includes passes to the Dollywood Theme Park for the carver and spouse, parking in the employee lot and lunch for the carver.

But wait, there's more!!! If you sign up for the combined four-day workshop by July 1, you will receive a $35 discount. That's right, all four days for just $175. When you figure in the cost of park passes for you and your spouse, three lunches for the carver, and parking, it's cheaper to take the seminars than it is to visit the park without including the seminars.

But wait, there's even more!!! The workshop begins on the opening weekend of the annual National Caricature Carving Competition Exhibit, co-sponsored by CCA and Dollywood. The 2004 Competition Exhibit featured 136 outstanding caricature carvings from throughout the nation, all displayed in a museum quality exhibit.

For more information or to enroll:

Photo Gallery - The 2004 CCA Seminar

Photography by Jack A. and Carole Williams

The 2004 CCA Dollywood Workshop Participants


CCA Instructor Pete LeClair (seated right), with Don Worley (seated left), and standing Dick Motzer (left) and Bruce Henn


CCA Instructor Marv Kaisersatt makes a point for Dan Moody (standing left) and Phil Rittenhouse


Pete LeClair reviews Steve Springers progress


CCA Instructor Gary Batte with (Left to right) Bob Zenable, Rich Hamilton, Ron Dowdy and Barry Pitts


Pete LeClair on carving the nose


Bruce Henn watches while Marv Kaisersatt's demonstrates


Any seminar with Pete LeClair is both instructive and entertaining. With Pete LeClair (seated from the left) Hugh Davis and Bob Sinclair and (standing from the left), Glenn Fout and Steve Springer


Jim O'Hara reviews the back cover of Marv Kaisersatt's book; Marv seems amused


Bruce Henn looks on as Marv Kaisersatt explains.


Pete LeClair demonstrates the next phase of the project: (left to right) Dave Tuttle, Tim Jackson, Dan Moody, Jay Kokena, Ted Dial and seated Larry Kobel


Gary Batte with Dan Moody


A woodcarvers version of the purple heart carved by CCA Emeritus Member Wil Hayden to be awarded to the carver who draws first blood


Gary Batte presents the Hayden carved purple heart to Steve Springer