Dollywood Woodcarving Showcase
Photos by Jack A. and Carole Williams
Best in Wildlife - American Widgeon by John & Dotty Berner
Best of Wood Sculpture and Carver's
Choice - Lady With New Dress
by Thu Nguyen
Third Best of Wildlife - Old Squaw by Ralph Moeller
People's Choice - Cowboy by Jim Wright
Second Best of Wood
Sculpture - Walnut Quarter Horse
by Larry Nix.
Third Best of Wood
Sculpture - Eagle with Mouse by
Billy Reynolds
Second Best in Wildlife - Fighting Limousins by Abe Loudermilk
Best of Intermediate - Green Dragon by Terry Ridenour
Blue Ribbon Winner - Rose by Larry Stout
Blue Ribbon Winner - Rose by Larry Stout
.Bobwhite Quail by John &
Dotty Berner
Blue Ribbon Winner - Saw Whet Owl by Tom Carnes
Winners Photo Galleries
- Part 2 - click HERE
Photos by Jack A. and Carole