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Me and Tange

by Jud Hindes

Reviewed by Doug Evans


From the cover design to the many "Tange" articles included throughout the book, it is obvious the great impact and admiration Jud Hindes has for one of the all-time masters of woodcarving - Elmer J. Tangerman.

Many of us are familiar with several of the Tangerman books, but as I ordered Jud's book, I wondered what new "slant" Jud could and would place on his interactions with "Tange".

Knowing Jud from his on-line Woodcarver's Porch and having the privilege of spending a day with him in Clearwater, Florida, I recognized that many of his thoughts weren't exactly "main stream" (thank God!). Jud could be expected to produce a unique book that would highlight those carvers he had studied, researched and knowing Jud , found some way to meet.

As I read the book I became jealous of all the travels and all the different carvers Jud has met. He not only tells us about some important history of carving but weaves a good story along the way.

Throughout the book, we learn more and more about "Tange" and also chapter after chapter of featured carvers with GREAT photographs of their carvings. These photos can be just enjoyed or as sources of inspiration.

To pick a favorite chapter of the book would be tough. I thoroughly enjoyed the tiki's of Wayne Coombs and the "extreme" chains of Basil LeBlanc. Basil's chains leave you baffled and inspired.

Also featured are two carvers I greatly admire and hope to study with one day - Pete LeClair and David Sabol. To me the chapters on Pete and David alone were worth the price of the book. The talent of these two men is unbelievable!!! If you don't smile at one of Pete's carvings with their great expressions, something isn't right. David's carvings are usually "storybook" characters that look so "life-like" that they seem ready to talk to you!!

Jud includes a collection of carvings given to him by many otber carvers. I can think of no greater complement than receiving a carving from a fellow carver. If you are a true carver, you know just how you feel inside when receiving such a fine gift.

In conclusion, Jud's book was very enjoyable and unique. It's not a "how to" but a history of woodcarving and a reference source for a vast array of carvings and carving styles. Jud is an entertaining author and as this book shows, a talented woodcarver. Tange & Me will be a great addition to your reference library or the corner of your coffee table.

B&W edition $25ppd; color version $55ppd: all copies purchased directly from Jud will be signed.

Jud can be contacted at ejud2001ATyahooDOTcom , or at his website HERE or via snail mail at PO Box 1489, Homosassa, FL 34447

Doug Evans, AKA the Woodologist, enjoys carving Santas, caricatures, woodspirits and whatevers. Doug is a member of the Notes From The Net staff, a panelist for Carving Magazine, President of the Metrocarvers of Michigan, and the State treasurer of the Michigan Wood
Carvers Association
. Doug attends many shows and roundups enjoying the chips on the floor and looking for his Holy Grail -- a mentor to take
his carving to the next level.

Doug Evans (right) with CCA member Peter Ortel (center) and WOM Editor Matt Kelley (left.)