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Friends in Carving -

Welcome to Volume 9 Issue 5 of Woodcarver Online Magazine, the first on-line magazine for and by woodcarvers. Scroll down for more about this issue of WOM.


Marv Kaisersatt

Best of Show

38th International Woodcarvers Congress

September is a busy month for woodcarvers with events such as the International Carver's Conference in Kitchener, ON, the Gathering of Woodcarvers in Somonauk, IL, and the Caricature Carvers of America Competition and Seminars in Piegon Forge, TN, on the schedule. I was fortunate to attend the Carver's Conference this year; Dennis Moor and the Chipping Away staff deserve congratulations for a job well done. More on these events in subsequent issues of WOM.

I am pleased to welcome Dura-GRIT to the WOM family of sponsors. Dura-GRIT makes high quality carbide on steel bits for woodcarving and other applications. I had the opportunity try out their mushroom shaper at the Carver's Conference and was impressed with how smoothly the bit worked, and how cool it stayed in the process. Please visit their web site and check out their products


Coming Soon!

The Annual WOM Santa Gallery will appear once again in the November/December issue of WOM. You are invited to submit photos of your favorate recent Santa carving to SantaATcarverscompanionDOTcom. One or more carvings will be selected for the 2005 Gallery poster. Submission due no later than October 15.

Watch WOM, the Carvers' Companion web site, and your woodcarving mail list for the announcement of the Carvers' Companion/WOM Carpenter's Pencil Carving Contest! Cool prizes, lots of fun and perhaps a bit of fundraising for a most worthy cause! Some of the winning carvings may even end up on a t-shirt!


In This Issue . . .

. . . we once again have so much good stuff to share that it comes to you in two installments.

Part I

Part II

Matt Kelley, Editor