Woodcarver Ezine
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Santa Gallery

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Midnight Traveler by Shawn Cipa, www.shawnscarvings.com


"Ol' Don" Burgdorf, Jinglebell Rocker - 3" tall artofdon.com


Santa and Friends by Mike Bloomquist, Wooden Dreams Woodcarvcing

Base Santa from Bolinger's Heirloom Santas. Beard detail, owl, rabbits and staff added.

Basswood, 18" tall, finished with boiled linseed oil and artist oil colors.


Dreamer (l) and Home (r) by Teri Embrey - basswood www.teriembrey.com


Santa Fox by Pat Sherman - Photo Album

From Tom Wolfe's Santamals - 8" high, basswood and acrylics


Bearing Gifts by John Jussel - Photo Album

From Woodcarving Santas by Rick Butz, trees are from a Mike Shipley pattern, ax and base by J. Jussel

Basswood, acrylic wash, sealed with Danish Oil & Raw Sienna oil paint


Santa by Floyd Rhadigan - Basswood www.fantasycarving.com



Santa by David Cassidy, Basswood



Santa and Mouse by Maura Macaluso - www.carvinginNYC.com

9" high, basswood and acrylics


More Santas HERE!