Home - Carvers Companion

The Instructor Files -

Being a Compendium of Providers of

Instruction, Videos and CDs, and Annual Instructional Events


Instructors, In-Studio and On-Site

Annual Instrctional Events

Instruction Videos and CDs


Instructors, In-Studio and On-Site


Phil & Vicki Bishop - Elk City, OK - caricature instruction from CCA member Phil and Vicky Bishop

David Boone - Burnsville, NC - On-site caricature instruction from CCA member David Boone

Harold Enlow - Dogpatch, AR - On-site instruction from the acknowledged dean of American caricature carving

Eldon Humphries - Guelph, ON, Canada - In-studio and on-site caricature instruction from CCA member Eldon Humphries

Jan's Carving Studio, Bowmanville, ON, Canada - regularly scheduled studio classes; guest instructor seminars

Marv Kaisersatt - Faribault, MN - In-studio serminers from CCA member Marv Kaisersatt in the Ivan Whillock Studios

Vic Kirkman Originals Raleigh, NC - water fowl carving instruction

Pete LeClair - Gardner, MA - On-site caricature instruction from CCA member and author Pete LeClair

Stu Martin's Woodcarving - Goddard, KS - On-site seminars

Mary May's School of Traditional Woodcarving - Charleston, NC - Online and in person lessons, and more

Keith Morrill - Custer, SD - On-site caricatiure instruction from CCA member Keith Morrill

Sally and David Nye - Fan carving instruction from the folks who have done more then just about anyone to preserve this craft

Peter Ortel- Monroe, NY - On-site caricatiure instruction from CCA Emeritis member Peter Ortel

Vic Otto - Boise, ID - On-site caricatiure instruction from CCA member Vic Otto

Doug Raine - Tucson, AZ - On-site caricatiure instruction from CCA member Doug Raine

Floyd Rhadigan - Saline, MI - Classes fanasy & caricature, kits from CCA member Floyd Rhadigan

G & B Sears - Southwest City. MO - On-site caricatiure instruction from CCA member Gerald Sears, with painting instruction from Barbara Sears

David Sabol Originals - Wrightsville, PA - On-site instruction by CCA member Dave Sabol

Harley & Midge Schmitgen - On-site instruction from Harley & Midge Schmitgen

Dave Stetson - Scottsdale, AZ - In-studio and on-site instruction by CCA member Dave Stetson

Cleve Taylor - Boise, ID - On-site caricatiure instruction from CCA member Cleve Taylor

Dennis Thorton - Sloatsburg, NY - On-site instruction by CCA member Dennis Thorton

Bob Travis - Davis, CA - On-site instruction by CCA member Bob Travis

Ivan Whillock - Faribault, MN - classes by classic carver Ivan Whillock

Tom Wolfe - West Jefferson, NC - In-studio and on-site instruction by this CCA member and author of many carving books. Classes include a 5 day class taught with Harold Enlow at Tom's studio.

Annual Instructional Events

Free and For-fee carving events

Events listed in this section are significant, annual carving instruction events, generally involving multiple instructors in different subjects. Some events are free, most are for-fee. See the current issue of Woodcarver Online Magazine for the most up-to-date listing.


Instructional Videos

To visit the Video Files for online instructional videos, click HERE

This instructor file is maintained solely for the convenience of the woodcarving community. NO endorsements are made or implied.

Duplication of these pages without express written permission is prohibited.

Instructor who wish to be added to this page or update their entry should direct email to womeditorATcomcastDOTnet(Replace AT and DOT with appropriate symbols.) Individuals seeking new entries must include a brief biography outlining their teaching experience and the url to their web site.


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