The theme for this issue of NFTN is wood
species (other than basswood). Some of these messages are
recent, and some go back a ways into the archives. There's
nothing quite like carving projects from found or gifted lumber.
Hope you enjoy these.
Apple Wood
I'm going to be felling an apple
tree as a favour for one of my wife's co-workers. In exchange
for the labour, I get to hang on to some of the wood. I
was wondering if anyone had carved apple wood before, and what
they thought of it. Is it a dark wood or light?
Hi Tim,
I have carved a little apple wood in the past & it is super hard, but does chisel nice & the pieces I have carved were starting to spalt & had many variations of colour.
Robbin Wenzoski
Apple is very white and hard. It has
a natural oil. Apple was used for making bearing in clocks and
other machines. The natural oil is almost like Teflon. The wood
is so hard and dense so it doesn't take a pigment stain very well
but a die stain is acceptable.
Joe Dillett
The Carving Shop
Hi Tim
I just finished
carving a pipe in apple. The wood I used was a crotch from
a pruned branch with the water spout carved
into a stem. It is hard, but the grain real
fine and closed. I thought it carved good,tho on the hard side,
but not worse than black walnut or Koa I have carved. I did carve
it with a knife too. It is posted on webshots in my 2005 alblum.
Apple wood is a hard wood and also a light color wood as well.
I have carved it since I got some from my uncle from Mass and
made walkin sticks from it,
Bill Smith
now for a little tidbit on drying Applewood - Mike B.>
Hi Joe,
for the info. I'm not sure if the tree I'm felling is live
or not, but given the oils in apple, would you have any idea how
long it would take to dry the wood?
Hi Tim,
The rule of thumb I use for air drying wood, hard or soft, is
one year for every inch thickness. Apple being a hard dense wood
will have more tendency to crack and check. You'll get more checking
than soft wood. If the heart is off center it is reaction wood
and will split more from drying, unpredictable expansion and contraction,
carve fuzzy and not finish well. Reaction wood (the heart
off center) is good for firewood and a fetch stick for your dog.
The natural oil in the wood doesn't add anything to the drying
time. To get better yield slow down the drying by wraping the
wood, like a present, in about 5 layers of newspaper.
Joe Dillett
The Carving Shop
Tupelo (Swamp Gum)
Tupelo can be knife carved, but it tends to tear if your don't have a very sharp knife. There are special knives that the Cajuns use to hand carve Tupelo. The blades are long and thin and razor sharp. Tupelo is a fantastic wood for power carving, though (that's all I use for my birds).
I've found that if you keep it very wet. It'll carve good with a knife.
Tupelo is quite a soft wood, almost spongy
in my experience. I've never had much luck carving it using
knives, but I understand that if the knives have a certain bevel
that it works. However, I have seen wonderful carvings from tupelo
done with power. Most of what I've seen are birds and decoys,
but I would think about anything could be done. I personally don't
use it, but I've sure seen some beautiful carvings by people on
this list in tupelo. HTH TTYL
Terry Nees
USMC (ret) 1961 - 1981
I'm in Kansas, Osage Orange is a relatively common tree in this
area. It is used for fence posts because it doesn't break or rot
easily. It is a very hard wood. How much does he want; is he going
to carve it; does he want it live cut; does he want it dead/dried?
How does he expect to receive this wood? What size pieces does
he need? We have none on our property, but MIGHT be able to obtain
some from neighbors if things can be worked out.
More info, Please.
I've never carved Catalpa, even though I have a block of it that
I picked up a couple of years ago. Can anyone comment on Catalpa
for carving? How does it carve? Is it comparable to Butternut?
Does it finish nicely? Does the grain rise when finishes are applied?
Does it get fuzzy like Basswood? Does it create fierce dust when
sanded? Does it carve better with power or hand tools? Inquiring
minds want to know!
Salt Lake City,
I recently used catalpa on one of my bellows....I was told that it was just like has , if you notice, graining similar to butternut but the dark portions of the grains are flaky like cottonwood bark....hard to keep any detail like basswood or butternut....butternut is harder that basswood, but still reasonably carvable and it looks nice when finished with minwax, deft, or any other sealer.....these are my own opinions, of course, but they are from experience. Jan, I understand is looking for catalpa, but it appears that he is a more classical carver and much more experienced than I....I've been carvin for about 10 maybe he can give a more professinal view of catalpa.....good luck.....share the knowledge.
I use Catalpa from time to time. It does have
an open grain much like Sassafras. The color is a little darker
than Sassafras it does have a very distinct smell and if the piece
is very dry the dust is pretty intense. I have a couple of pics
in my gallery that are Catalpa, the face is natural finish.
I hope this helps there are a lot of excellent carvers on here
maybe they can give you their insight from their perspective.
visit my website at:
Howard - Woodcarver - Gatlinburg, Tennessee
The key to carving catalpa is to carve
it green. Keep it in a bag and keep it stable while working
on it. They seal it when finished. I also drill some holes in
the underside of the carving to let it dry slowly.
Take a look at photos some are of catalpa -
Hi Kelly,
I have carved a lot of catalpa woodspirit and
Indian faces. I use hand and mallet tools to carve them so I couldn't
really help much with the power carving question. I like the way
it carves for the most part though there is a great bit of difference
in some pieces, probably due to the climate they grow in and other
variable. I would say for the most part it is a little harder
than butternut. I did get abunch of limbs that came off an old
dead catalpa tree that was still standing, and they carved great
and the grain was beautiful. Some that I have carved that were
cut green didn't carve so well and seemed to have hard and soft
spots as the grain changed from dark to light. But when I do get
a good piece to carve in I really like to work >with it and
I love the look of it when finished. But it do stink, the first
time I carved on a green piece I thought I had carried some doggy
doo on the bottom of my boot into the shop. LOL.
Greg Wilkerson
visit my website at:
have seen some of your carvings using butternut and it is a really
beautiful wood, finished. How hard is it? Like compared to basswood.
Nearly all my carving is done with a knife and arthritic hands,
so I don't tackle wood like oak or walnut, tho they are beautiful.
is a soft walnut.....easy to carve but does tend to fuzz...if
chip carving always use the verticle grain...relief carving is
OK on horizontal grain.
Hi Cynda,
Butternut cuts about the same as basswood. About the same hardness
and the same ability to hold detail. I think you'll love it.
Joe Dillett
The Carving Shop
We're not through all of them, but that should do ya for this issue. Keep them edges keen, the chips piled high, and don't miss the chip carving book review we have this issue by a NEW book review writer for WOM.
Keep on Carvin'
-Mike Bloomquist->
Please take some time and check out the wood carving lists on the Internet. There is a lot of knowledge free for the asking on all of the list serves.
For information regarding the various email lists for woodcarvers, visit The Carvers' Companion Resource Files, or click the links below.
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