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Resource Files On This Page

Electronic Email Lists

Organizations, Clubs and Guilds

Online Resources, References, Communities

Magazines and Publications

Good and Useful Stuff


Electronic Email Lists

Email-based woodcarving discussion groups are wonderful ways to learn and help others learn about woodcarving. Email from the list group is sent to the list server which in turn forwards the message to everyone in the group. The woodcarver lists vary greatly in group norms - some permit little off-topic chat, some tolerate a small amount and some encourage off-topic chat.

The WoodCarver List, a service of the Carvers' Companion, is an on-line community of over 800 carvers. A great place to ask questions, get tips, and talk about woodcarving. Click the icon to visit the homepage and join.

Wood Carving Fun is another on-line community of carvers. Folks in this group tend to chat off-topic just a little bit more than folks on the Woodc@rvers List.

The Knotholes woodcarver list is another on-line carvers group similar to Woodcarving Fun, with less off-topic chat. Click the icon for more information.


House of Wood Carving is yet another on-line community of carvers.

Fishcarving2 List - Fishcarving2 is the place to share methods, techniques, and other information that will help promote, and improve the art of fish carving.

Carousel Carvers - A forum for discussing carousels, carousel art, carousel restoration, carousel collectibles and anything else related to the art of the carousel.

United Stick Carvers Association - Another on-line group dedicated to stick carving

Organizations, Clubs, Guilds

Click the logo to visit the home of the Caricature Carvers of America. Well worth the visit for anyone interested in caricature carving.

The National Wood Carvers Association is well worth the cost of membership; Chip Chats magazine is included in the annual membership.


Mike Parker's page of Links to Woodcarving/Woodworking Guilds and Clubs in the US, Canada and England. Click the icon to visit.

List of Carving Clubs maintained at Colwood Woodburning Tools site.

Affiliated Wood Carvers - sponsors of the International Woodcarver Congress

NEWC - homepage of the New England Wood Carvers

NWCA - homepage of the Northwest Wood Carvers Association

MiWCA - homepage of the Michigan Wood Carvers Association

MnWCA - homepage of the Minnesota Wood Carvers Association

SWCA - homepage of the Southeast Wood Carvers Association

Women With Knives Wood Carvers homepage

Corn Belt Carving Club of Bloomington/Normal, Illinois

Windsor Woodcarving Museum - Windsor, ON, Canada - Every aspect of carving, whether traditional or contemporary, historical or wildlife is represented and displayed

If you would like your state-wide or regional club or organization listed here, send email to womeditorATcomcastDOTnet

Online Resources, References, Communities

Gary Ilmanen's WoodCarvers Web site contains two valuable sets of links:

Click the WoodCarvers Web icon to visit.

Bird Carvers Online Community - Features a Chat Room with regularly scheduled chats like Talk with the Pros, tons of shop talk posted in the main Discussion Forum, F.A.Q. postings and transcripts from chat sessions, event listings, free online seminars, featured Bird of the Month, carving news, announcements, fun stuff & humor section and BCO Community Schedules.

National Woodcarving School - Free tutorials, for-fee courses and other resources

Magazines and Publications

Chip Chats magazine is the official publication of the National Wood Carvers Association - and well worth the price of membership.

Wood Carving Illustrated is another excellent carving magazine. Click the logo to visit the web home page of WCI.

Carving Magazine is the newest magazine specifically for woodcarvers. Click the logo to visit Carving Magazine Online


See also the Vendor Files - Publishers and Book Sellers

Good and Useful Stuff

VirusBusters - Tired of hoax "virus" warnings? Want to check a "helpful warning" before you pass it on? For virus info you can trust, visit the University of Michigan Virus Busters home page- just click on the bug.

HoaxBusters - Find out if the email "warning" is true or a "HO-AX" - Internet and email hoax information from DOE-CIAC


Questions, queries, posers? Send email to womeditorATcomcastDOTnet(Replace AT and DOT with appropriate symbols.)

The Carvers' Companion is owned by W.M. Kelley; contents copyright 1999-2009. See also the Owership and Copyright Statement on the Gateway page.


Last Update 9-11