Here's the current status of the various W3E programs, as of 11/12/01
Quarterly Secret Pal Exchange:
Interest registration for the Winter exchange starts on the Winter Solstice - more info here.
Friendship Cane Exchange:
Group 11 has seven carvers enrolled; only one more requried to fill the group. More information here.
Cane Segment Round Robin:
Two carvers registered for Group 7. More information here.
Bottle Stopper Exchange:
Group 9 has three carvers. More information here.
Golf Ball Exchange:
Four carvers registered for Group 2 - click here.
Spoon Exchange:
Five carvers now registered for Spoon Group 4 - on one more requried to fill the group - more information here.
Pin Exchange:
Group 2 has three members; more information and registration form available here.
Coming soon: a new Carved Santa Secret Pal-type exchange. Interest is being assessed for a possible neckerchief slide exchange. If you are interested in either exchange, please email