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Wood Carving Illustrated Index

This index to Wood Carving Illustrated was compiled by David Andreychek of Shrewsbury, PA and is used here with his kind permission. The index originally appeared on the web site of the Yorkarvers Carving Club, York, PA http://www.mindspring.com/~chipps96/club.htm

The on-line verison of the WCI index is availabe HERE. (This will take a while to load.)

The index is mirrored at Dave Andreychek's site HERE, and a downloadable Excel version is available at that location.

A downloadable Word document is available HERE.

You may email Dave Andreychek at chipps96@mindspring.com or visit his web page at http://www.mindspring.com/~chipps96/

 To visit the Wood Carving Illustrated web site, click HERE.